Little Cheeks

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Five years. It's been five wonderful years. Well, technically they are two months shy of their five year anniversary. Arthit is just rounding up the numbers. He's not as exact as his husband who can probably count down to the minute. But that's all besides the point here. The point is it's been five years now, and the pressure is on. Every time, he comes home, it's the same dreaded question.

'When are you guys having babies?'

It's gotten to the point that even their friends keep asking. Sigh. Arthit rocks a bit on the swing in their family home's backyard. He looked around. Their moms have done another amazing job decorating their yard. There's white linen covered tables with pink balloons and pink peony centerpieces everywhere. There's also enough food and drinks to feed a small army. Then there's a bunch of little kids running around the yard. Arthit is grateful that at this moment, all their friends and relatives are busy fussing over Krystal, and not pestering him with that annoying question again. If today wasn't his own sister's baby shower, he really wouldn't want to be here. That's right. Krystal and her husband Toy are seven months pregnant with a baby girl.

Arthit is honestly happy for his sister and brother-in-law. They've been married for two years, and now a baby is on its way. He is going to be an uncle, and Arthit is happy. Really happy. But here's a little secret, he is also a little sad, and a little jealous. He is jealous that it all seems so easy for Krystal and Toy. Especially, when it wasn't even planned. While for him and Kong it requires so much planning, and thinking.

And to be honest, Arthit feels conflicted about the whole kids thing. Kong and him are both so busy that they literally can't breathe until the weekends, and even then sometimes they have to work or travel. Having a child will cut into the very little time Kongpob and him had left. So, maybe he shouldn't be jealous. He has never been too keen on the idea of kids anyway. Sure they're cute and adorable, but only when they're not yours. At least that's how he mostly felt. But if he really doesn't want one, then why does he feel sad.

"Ahhh... Uncle Arthit... Uncle me!" Little Gracie came running, and stopped between Arthit's legs. She tries to wrap her little arms around Arthit's waist, and buried her face into his stomach. Her plump little cheeks are flushed from all the running. "Uncle Arthit, Kongpob lion is coming."

"Don't worry. I will save you." Arthit smiled, wrapping his arms around little Gracie protectively. Gracie is five years old, the daughter of their closest friends M and May. The little girl takes after her father's pale skin, so her flushed little cheeks were extremely pink and adorable. Kongpob loves Gracie so much that he has volunteered to babysit her on several occasions so her parents can go out. Sometimes, Arthit wonders if Kongpob really wants kids like everyone else.

"Found you!" Kongpob approaches the little girl that's wrapped around his husband. He puts his hands up close to his face pretending to be sharp claws.

"Ahhhhh!" Gracie gave out a high pitched scream against Arthit's stomach.

Arthit quickly got up from the swing, and picked up little Gracie with him. "Not on my watch. I'm ARTHIT, THE GREAT LION TAMER! You will now obey me Kongpob the lion." Arthit spoke in a roaring voice that made his body tremble, and Gracie laugh.

"Yes, Arthit the great lion tamer. I will obey you." Kongpob made a sad face. His claws now turned into harmless paws, and he made sad whimpering noises pretending to cry.

Gracie smiled at seeing this, but she was sad that the lion was now crying. "Don't cry Kongpob lion." Gracie stretched her little arms for Kongpob to grab her from Arthit.

Kongpob smiled seeing Gracie's outstretched arms, and went over to take her from Arthit. "Are you tired Arthit?" Kongpob asked his husband who has been avoiding the crowd for the most part.

"Maybe a little. I have a little headache. I'll just sit for a while." Arthit lied. He just wasn't in the mood to mingle at the moment.

"Okay, May said it's time for Gracie's nap. Let me take her back, and we can leave. I'm sure they will be okay with it since you aren't feeling well." Kongpob looked at his husband filled with concerning eyes.

Arthit nodded. His husband kissed his cheek, and walked away carrying little Gracie. Maybe he is being selfish, but he really didn't want to stay around listening to all the baby stories, and all the parenthood wisdom.

A little while later, both men were in their car on their way home. Arthit sat quietly looking out the window. Kongpob glanced his way from time to time. He knew what was bothering Arthit. It's been a long time coming.

For the past three years, Arthit would get moody like this every time someone in their family, or social group has a baby. And at this point in their lives, it's hard to avoid since they are of that age. Arthit and Kongpob are both twenty nine now, and their peers are starting to pop babies left and right. M and May were the first pair to have little Gracie, and their baby number two is on the way. Bright and Sam are about to have baby number three, and they are all back to back. Even Toota and Sam had a baby through surrogacy last year. So naturally, people have been asking them when it will be their turn to be parents, and what were their plans? These questions are becoming more and more frequent as of late. However, what everyone doesn't know is that they've actually tried.

Three years back, the couple had secretly tried for adoption. There was a pair of young siblings, a little girl that was two years old, and her brother that was four years old. They had lost their parents in a tragic fire. Arthit learned about the tragedy through his secretary Mia during a lunch break. Apparently, the kids were from her neighborhood. Arthit went home that night, making casual conversation over Chinese take-out, he shared that bit of tragic news with Kongpob. They thought it would be really sad if the siblings ever got separated by adoption. Then one thing led to another, and suddenly they decided to try to adopt those poor kids. They figured they were bound to look into options sooner or later, and Arthit always felt there were more than enough people on the planet already, so adoption made sense to him.

Kongpob was more than happy to adopt the kids. They found the orphanage the pair of siblings were placed in, and went to visit them. They instantly fell in love with the pair of siblings. They both had adorable chubby cheeks. They reminded Arthit of him and his sister Krystal so much. So, Kongpob and Arthit were determined to make them family. They went through all the motions of adoption for over eight months. Countless interviews, financial checks, health checks, lawyers, and social worker visits. Everything was going smoothly, even their lawyer had said so. And after months of bonding, they were both excited, and couldn't wait to bring the kids home.

However, little did they know that they were not the only candidates trying to adopt the pair of siblings. On one fateful Friday afternoon, their lawyer called Kongpob to let him know that their adoption process would be terminated. Adoption for the pair of siblings had been granted to another couple deemed to be a better fit. That night Kongpob had to break his Arthit's heart. It was the hardest thing he has ever done aside from leaving Arthit for his mother's cancer treatment years ago. And ever since that time, Kongpob has never mentioned kids again. No matter how Grammy or his own grandparents nagged him, he would just brush it off. There's nothing more important to him than his Arthit. He's only ready if Arthit is, and he is okay if Arthit doesn't want any. He has Arthit, and that's plenty.

Kongpob heard a little sniffling. He turned to look at Arthit who was still staring out the window, and then a single tear trickled down his cheek. Kongpob takes his hand off the steering wheel, and intertwines his hand with his husband's.

He kissed the back of Arthit's hand, "I love you."

AN: Hello Sweets,

It's been a while since my last update to this story. I hope you guys are still reading. I'm not sure why I wrote this, but it just came to me. The situation in this story is a real struggle for many gay couples. Even though it's legal for gay couples to adopt, there's no law against favoring heterosexual couples over them. I'm sorry for putting my boys through this painful experience.

I will heal our hearts in the next update. I promise. ❤️

Love you lots,

Let's Love ❤️ (Book III)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang