Art of Distraction

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⚠️🍋🍍(Mature Content Warning)🍍🍋⚠️


All his friends' wedding invitations came at the wrong timing. Now, it's like dodging bullets at home. Kongpob has been avoiding Arthit's hints as much as possible. It's gotten to the point that he has to distract Arthit from bringing up the topic with more sex. He can't let other people's wedding ruin his plans that's five years into the making. Just ten more days to go Arthit. Just give me ten more days my love. That's easier said than done though.

Snippets from flashback


Last Sunday, Arthit and Kongpob slept in, and only woke up when they absolutely had to because their stomachs were growling louder than their alarms. Grumpily, Arthit got up from bed, and walked straight into the kitchen. He opened the fridge to see if they had anything quick to eat. Unfortunately, today is Sunday, which means grocery day. There's nothing other than a few eggs, and bread. He was too lazy to even fry eggs, so he took out some strawberry jam, and proceeded to make toast.

Kongpob came into the kitchen with his bed head yawning. Seeing Arthit was making toast, he got the coffee going. The aroma of the coffee was very much welcomed as two sleepy boys huddled together topless. Arthit snuggled into the crook of Kongpob's neck with his arms in his front shivering. Kongpob half asleep just wrapped his arms around his love.

"Let me go get you a shirt. We should turn down the AC." Kongpob said next to Arthit's ear.

"Noooo Kong. I just want to stay like this."

Kongpob just smiled at his adorable boyfriend. Sometimes they forget that they are 23 now, and no longer kids.

The toast popped, and the coffee was ready. They moved in sync as always. Arthit spread jam on the toast, and Kongpob fixed the coffee. Since today is Sunday, Kongpob went to the fridge to get the whipped cream. Arthit liked to indulge in the delicious treat with his coffee, but Kongpob doesn't let him have it everyday, only on the weekends.

As Kongpob turned around with the can of cream in his hand, Arthit came up behind him with the sweetened toast. The two of them collided, and Kongpob had a slice of strawberry jammed toast stuck to his bare chest, and Arthit had whipped cream squirted on his. The two of them just laughed at each other's comical state.

Arthit peeled the strawberry toast off of Kongpob, and took a bite out of it with a huge ass grin.

"Kong, do you think anything would change if we got...."

Arthit's question got cut off by a sudden surprise. Arthit didn't expect Kongpob to suddenly leaned forward, and licked the whipped cream off his chest. Kongpob didn't stop after the whipped cream was gone. Kongpob grabbed Arthit by his hips, and pulled him in closer. He moved his mouth to suck and lick Arthit's nipples, from one to the other.

Arthit stuffed the toast his mouth as his body was being assaulted with pleasure. The toast muffled his moans, and his hands held onto Kongpob's shoulders. Kongpob slowly stood up to see Arthit with the slice of toast still in his mouth. Kongpob took a bite of it from the end. They finished the slice of toast in two bites each, and then proceeded to devour each other's mouth.

Arthit grabbed anywhere he can. It's never enough. He squeezed and kneaded Kongpob's butt, tugging it up. Kongpob pulled away from Arthit mouth, and moved to his sensitive ear. He licked, he sucked, and he twirled his tongue around the shell whispering sweet nothings. They grinded their hardened dicks into each other, creating the friction that had them moaning and grunting.

Arthit threw his head back giving Kongpob more access down his neck. Kongpob took the given opportunity to kiss and mark his love. He then wrapped his arms around Arthit's bottom, and picked him up. He pushed everything that was on the kitchen counter off, and laid Arthit on top.

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