Blues Clues

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Toota and Sam had asked Arthit and Kongpob to be groomsmen for their wedding. Their wedding is in four months. Arthit is real excited for his friends, and he is more than excited to be part of the wedding party. When he showed Kongpob the two wedding invitations, one for Toota and Sam's wedding, and the other for M and May's, he thought for sure Kongpob would say something about when they would get married too. However, Kongpob only smiled, and called their friends to congratulate them. He didn't say anything to Arthit about their own marriage.

So, Arthit has decided to take matters in his own hands. Forever needs to start right now. Arthit has been dropping hints to Kongpob about getting married. He had purposely left their vlog playing on his laptop when he went to the bathroom for a shower. He had hoped it would draw Kongpob's attention to the recording of where they promised each other forever on their first anniversary.

He was so disappointed when he came out of the bathroom, and found Kongpob already asleep while the vlog was still playing. A couple of days later, he left a magazine open with an ad for wedding rings on the coffee table. To his horror, Kongpob tore that ad out, and folded an origami box out of it for his peanut shells. Sigh.

"Kong, Toota is taking a vote on cake flavor for their wedding cake. What kind of cake do you like?" Arthit tried to bait Kongpob into the wedding conversation.

"Whatever you like, just put me down the same." Kongpob said as he took his laptop to their home office. Sigh.

The next day, Arthit used a magnet to hold up the two invitations on the refrigerator. When Kongpob asked why he needed to put them there, he said just in case they forget the dates. Kongpob later on took them down, and just entered the dates into their phone's calendar. He even set reminders on Arthit's phone. Damn Kongpob! Why is he always so efficient?

Nothing seemed to work. Sigh.

Arthit and Kongpob went shopping last weekend for a gift for Toota and Sam's wedding shower. Kongpob came across a figurine of two grooms that could be used as a cake topper. The figurine had one groom piggyback riding the other groom. Arthit thought it was very cute, and extremely fitting for the occasion.

Arthit liked that figurine so much that he secretly went back to the store to try to buy one for themselves

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Arthit liked that figurine so much that he secretly went back to the store to try to buy one for themselves. However, it just so happened that the one they bought for Toota and Sam was the last one. The store owner even told him that the item was already discontinued, so he couldn't even order one. Arthit was so bummed.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Feeling blue, Arthit dragged his feet with his head hanging low. Nothing was going his way lately. Kongpob has been completely clueless about the hints he has been dropping, and he can't even buy a damn figurine. Sigh.

He was now aimlessly walking around the mall. He took a half day from work, so he has hours to kill. He doesn't want to go home yet since no one is there. He looked up, and saw a jewelry store, so he walked up to the window display. He saw a pair of rings in the window that looked nice, so he went in. There's really no harm in looking right? It's just a matter of time anyway.

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