Chapter 23

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Jungkook's POV

I feel numb. Can you even feel if you're numb? I don't really think you can. If I was in Sera's shoes or Seraphina's now...Would I break up with me too? Maybe.

My tears haven't stopped falling. I'm laying flat on my back staring up at my blank ceiling. Back when I was little I used to have bunny stickers on my ceiling, but I removed them as soon as I got into middle school.

I feel the tears that touch my ears and my throat feels dry and my stomach is begging to be fed, but I ignore it all. What's the point? I hear a knock at my door. Seraphina? No She wouldn't come back.

I don't say anything and Jin let's himself in the room. I swallow hard.

"I brought you food. You haven't eaten since you got home."

I turn to the wall, too ashamed of looking at my older brother, "I'm not hungry." I mumble.

I feel Jin shifting and then a sharp pain on my ear.


"Sit up!" He says sternly.

I quickly sit up because he actually sounds scary.

"You know what? You deserve this. Seraphina is a good person and I didn't even have to know her to know that. You messed up big time Jungkook and I'm not even going to feel bad for you. Eat this food and drink this tea. When I get back we're talking"

"Where are you going?" I sniff.

He hesitates, "Seraphina's house."

My eyes widen, "W-Why."

"I baked her muffins. She must be really sad."

I glare at him, "She broke up with me. Why would she be sad?"

Jin gives me a look, "It was hard for her to do that. It's not easy to leave a relationship, so don't go assuming things. Take this time to think about what you did. I want to hear the full story when I come back." He leaves my room in a rush and doesn't close the door.

What does a man have to do to get privacy? I stand up and slowly walk to the door. My room is kind of messy right now. Earlier I trashed it maybe out of anger or sadness, maybe both. As I shut my food I trip on something.

I picked it up and found out I tripped on a picture frame that held a photo of Seraphina and I, 1 year ago. I feel tears prick at the edges of my eyes and  I'm quietly sobbing.

I do deserve this. What's wrong with me? Why can't I treat her right?

A knock at my door again.

"Come in." I croak.

"I'm back." Jin says strolling in.

"How'd it go?"

"Well I didn't stay long, but I know her dad is triggered and I didn't see her."

I take a deep breath, I totally forgot about her dad! I'm probably going to die in the hands of him.

"Jungkook...I've been doing some searching on the web and...I think you really should get help." Jin says quietly.

"Help? ME?! Who said."

"Your emotions Jungkook if you really like Seraphina you should put in the effort to change for her. I know she still loves you Jungkook and I know you didn't hurt her because you hated her. Jungkook if you don't want to do it for me do it for her."

I take a shaky breath, "Tell me more about this then."

He goes on to explain to me how there's a center that helps with anger issues and I only have to be there for a year.

"Will it affect school?"

"No." Jin shakes his head, "You go there after school and stay there. You can go home on the weekends though." I groan, "That sounds boring. I don't know if I want to do this Jin."

"It won't be trust me." He insists.

I close my eyes, "Let me think about it."

"Okay. I'm going to bed now. Go to sleep." And he leaves my room.

The ending is coming near....

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