~Chapter 1~

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Seraphina's POV
My back slams into the cold locker as soon as Jungkook spots me

"What took you so long?!" My boyfriend Jungkook yells.

I wince in pain as he hardens his grip on my shoulder, "My teacher wouldn't let me out until she finished teaching."

His cold dark eyes stare at me with anger. "I don't care! When I call you, you come right away. Understood?"

I nod my head without making eye contact, "it just isn't possible to do that when we're in school." I whispered hoping he didn't hear me.

"Hey when I'm talking to you, you look at me!" Jungkook tells me while grabbing my face forcing me to look at his dark brown eyes, and did you talk back to me?"

"N-no, I'm sorry" I say tears building up in my eyes.

I'm already used to this. I've been dealing with this for a year now, but no matter how many times this happens I'm always on the verge of crying and most days like today he notices and instantly becomes the sweet boyfriend I now rarely see.

It really wasn't always like this. 2 years ago we were like any other couple. We couldn't stay away from each other and he used to be so sweet and kind. Until we went on a very hard break because I caught him cheating on me. I ended up forgiving him at the end.

After a week back together he started becoming more abusive and controlling, but as you can see I couldn't leave him because I'm afraid he'll hurt me if I leave him, but I'll always still love him.

Jungkook sees that I'm about to cry and wraps one arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead. "Come on, let's ditch this place."
I look at him to see him smile. It makes me happy because it's so rare to see him like this and it means he's in a better mood. I smile knowing today won't be as bad.

Jungkook and I drove out of the school parking lot and into the world.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I watch the trees zoom out if sight.

"You'll see." Jungkook says with a smile. He's eyes were now glistening with excitement.

After an hour of driving, we make it to a park.

"Sera I'm sorry for they way I acted earlier I was just frustrated that's all." He says as we walk to a food stand.

I smile softly, that's okay." We fed the pigeons, and played on the swings in a playground and then walked around in silence.

Jungkook suddenly breaks the silence with a question. "Do you remember that break we had?"

I hesitate "Yeah..I do." I finally whisper loud enough for him to hear .

"I remember how much I regretted doing that to you and how many tears I shed for you." He says.

I see the sadness in his eyes and I instantly feel hurt too. I kiss his cheek, "Yes, but I'm yours now and we left that in the past. Don't beat yourself up over it." I say

He combs his hair with his fingers "I know, but I was just wondering..how did the situation make you feel?"

I stop walking, "Do you really want to know?" I ask.

Jungkook stops too, his eyes tells me he's being serious.

"I... I honestly started believing it was my fault that you cheated." I started to say " I thought I wasn't good enough or I-"

Jungkook cuts me off with a hug, "I'm so sorry baby" he whispers in my ear, "You will always be good enough for me no matter what."

I smile. Hearing him say that makes me feel that it's possible for him to change.

We head back to Jungkook's car and he drove me back home.

"Goodnight Sera, see you at school." Jungkook says sweetly when we arrive at my house he kisses my forehead , "I love you."

"I love you too Kookie" I say in response.  Jungkook blushes, "Bye" I say and watch him drive off.

As I open my front door I begin to think one day everyday could be like today. Jungkook rarely says I love you to me. I go to sleep having hope that tomorrow will be just as good as today.

I am so excited to write (or type) this story I have been waiting so long to post this so I hope you like this storyy.

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