Chapter 18

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Seraphina's POV

"Seraphina you need to get out of that room. You haven't eaten in 2 days. Just for your health at least get this food." my dad says into my locked door.

I groan and drag my feet to my door and open it. My dad's eyes widen as he takes in my tired form. I snatch the plate of spaghetti from his hands and slam the door shut locking it. I hear his sigh and walk away.

Let me rewind. After I left school i went home right away. My parents asked why I was crying, but I ignored them and locked myself in my room and her i am being sad about my useless pathetic life.

You're wondering how the heck i managed to live without eating or drinking. I usually have a bunch or water bottles laying around my room and I also have a snack drawer so i've been living on that.

"Seraphina! Jungkook is here! Get out of that room!" My mom yells making me flinch.

Jungkook? Why is he here? Eh i don't care.

"Hey Sera... can you open the door?"

"Why...should i?" I mumble.

"Because I want to talk. Please."

I'm sleep deprived I honestly haven't got much sleep. I've been on netflix and social media all day. I stumble out of my bed and drag my feet once more to the door.

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly before entering my room.

He'll surely breakup with me look how ugly I look.

"You're beautiful, even if you look like a mess you're always glowing." Jungkook says as if he read my mind. "What do you want?" I asks still shaken from the comment Jungkook made.

"Let me t-try again Sera, I'll change. I love you so much I don't want to lose you." Jungkook pleads on his knees. He's looking up at me and his eyes are glistening with tears ready to fall you.

I'm the first to start sobbing.

"Awe, Sera." Jungkook says pulling me into a warm hug and I let him.

"J-jungkook you said this t-the last time."

Jungkook moves a strand of hair from my face, "This time will be the last time." He smiles showing off his bunny teeth.

"Kookie." I sniff, "I missed you."

"I missed you too Sera." Jungkook whispers, "Can we start over?" He asks. I hum is response.

"Yes?" He asks.

I hum again his body was so warm and I was so tired so I drifted off to sleep.

"Good morning Sera." Jungkook whispers to me.

"What time is it?" I ask. "1:00 PM" he responds.

"What?! How long have I been sleeping?"

Jungkook looks up thinking showing off his adams apple, "12 hours, 13 at most."

"Omg, that's so long." I gasp.

"Welp you got a nice rest wanna hang out for the rest of the day? I brought food." He says showing me a bag of Dairy Queen.

I squeal, "when did you get this???"

"About 20 minutes ago." He shrugs, "Now what should we watch?" He asks me opening me laptop."

"naruto!" I exclaim.

"what not attack on the titans?" He pouts.

I shake my head, "nope we're watching naruto." I say typing up the show.

"Ughh finnne." He says sitting next to me. "Hey Seraphina."

"Hmm?" I answer still looking at my computer.

"Are...are we a couple still?"

I slowly turn my head to him and give him a wide smile, "Of course we are!" I exclaim making him sigh in relief, "you pwomised to change and i trust you." I say pinching his cheeks.

Jungkook gives me a cute smile, "I wove you so much." Jungkook says also pinching my cheeks making me giggle. "Let's watch the show now."

We sat there for about 2 hours before Jungkook's phone started ringing, "hello? Hey mom! But- *sigh* fine, ok bye." Jungkook hangs up his phone and sighs, "mom wants me back home."

"That's alright kookie." I say making him blush at the nickname. "I'm heading out then, bye Sera. Oh and I left the work you owe for school on the desk."

"Oh right, I forgot that hell hole existed." I mumble making Jungkook laugh, "see you later baby!" Jungkook waves, "Bye baby!" I say as he shuts the door.

Is taking him back the right thing?

Y'all here about the comeback?

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