Chapter Seven

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Ophelia let out a scream as she walked back into the living room with Alex trailing behind her, Elena and Syd standing in the middle of the living room with their melted hearts on their head.

"My god, I thought you guys where going on a run, not reenacting Carrie White." Ophelia said with a huff as she and Alex sat down on the couch, closer then what they had before.

"Hi, Ophelia." Avery greeted her as Ophelia gave her a smile back.

"Hello Avery, still rocking the glasses I see." Ophelia said as Schneider jumped in.

"As you should be, contacts could mess up your eyes." he said as Penelope looked over.

"Damn, is Schneider actually acting like her Dad for once?" She asked before Syd and Elena came back in and began to flip through magazines, speaking to each other and laughing. Ophelia peaked at Alex in the corner of her eye, only two minutes ago they where kissing and now there was so much awkwardness hung in the air. But they sat close together, showing each other they didn't regret anything, just didn't know what to say.

"White Child, I need you." Lydia called out as Ophelia walked into the kitchen to see the woman standing there with anneyebrow raise.

"Your perfume lingers on my papito more then usual and your strawberry lipstick has stained his perfect lips." she said with a small slap to the back of her head.

"Ow! Lydia, I thought you said you wanted this." Ophelia said while rubbing the back up her head.

"Yes, I am team Alexphia. So why are you two acting like you just jumped out a window so he wouldn't see you without makeup?" Lydia asked her with a knowing look as Ophelia sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know, it wasn't awkward or anything at first. But then when it's over, what do you say? Nothing, we said nothing." the teen said as the older woman waved her off.

"So you kiss him again and talking won't be a option." she said with a point while throwing foods together.

"Woah, I sure wish that worked for me." Dr.Berkowitz said as he held a half heart paper in the corner of the kitchen.

"Oh! Who's the handsome fellow, could I get you an drink? Apple juice, lemon juice." Ophelia giggled as she saw Penelope talking through the kitchen window to a tall guy.

"Ophelia this is Metteo, and he's three times your age." the woman said as Ophelia nodded.

"Okay." she said in her best adult voice, passing him the lemon anyways before walking back into the living room to see Alex giving her a look.

"What?" she asked him teasingly while pulling him into the kitchen with her.

"Leslie, your breathing is so sad." Lydia said as the man sighed loudly infront of her. Ophelia thought about Lydias words from before, leaning off the wall and wrapping her arms around Alex's waist from behind him as he chopped cilantro.

"I'm sorry, this day gets in my head. My wife left me on Valentine's day." Leslie said as Ophelia gave him a sad smile.

"Sorry about that, Dr.B." Ophelia said to him with her best sympathetic look.

"And the divorce papers arrived on April Fools. You can imagine the confusion." the older man went on as Alex leaned back onto Ophelia a bit before jumping in.

"Woah, I was sad about my life until just now. Thanks, Doc." Alex said while fist pumping the man.

"You're in a good mood." Alex said as he nudged Ophelia with his head as she pressed a few kisses to his cheek.

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