Chapter Six

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"I'm ready!" Ophelia announced as she drug out her words, swinging the door open of the Alvarez's apartment while dressed in white.

"Well, at least Ophelia can be happy about lawn bowling." Penelope said with a laugh as the brunette shut the door and pulled the bouquet from behind her back.

"For my precious and beautiful Alex ,who is still dreadfully grounded because he wanted to be like a evil dragon, puffing from a vape. A bouquet of flowers that were picked from the garden of my heart and presented to you by the ghost of my past." Ophelia said dramatically as she got on one knee and gave him the flowers, ignoring the odd looks she got from the three others in the room.

"Well, Ophie is still going to that poetry club I see." Alex said as he looked to his Mom while pulling the smaller girl off the ground in a hug.

"Ugh, you think?" Penelope asked him with a crazy look as Syd and Elena walked into the living room dressed in red track suits and hearts on their heads.

"What do you think?" Elena asked as she looked to her Mom with a huge smile.

"I think i'm glad you two found each other." Penelope said with a nod of her head and a awkward smile.

"We are celebrating. This is our first Valentine's together and my first time acknowledging Valentine's since all the other years I was at home making fun of it cause, really, I was sad." Elena spoke with a nod as Ophelia hummed.

"Me and you both, sis." she said with a point before putting one of the chocolates, that was on the table into, her mouth.

"Why does your head look like a butt?" Lydia spoke up as she turned to her granddaughter with a odd look.

"They're hearts, we are not doing the typical corporate Valentine's Day." Elena said with a shake of her head.

"You wanna talk about typical Valentine's Day? Ophelia and I are going to watch water bowling." Alex said with a eyebrow raise.

"Tops reading books to each other again." Ophelia said as she elbowed him in the side.

"I have planned a amazing day of service. Syd and I are doing the Heart Healthy fun run. Did you know that heart disease is number one killer of woman?" Elena asked as Ophelia went to speak up before Alex cut in.

"Second only to these dimples." the taller boy said as he pointed to his face while smiling widely.

"Papito, you are the number one lady killer. It is why we have swoon the white child." Lydia said as she looked to Alex and then to Ophelia, who shrugged.

"Well, I didn't marry him for his brains." The girl shrugged while putting another chocolate in her mouth.

"You are the lady serial killer." Lydia went on as she looked to Alex with a eyebrow raise.

"Okay Mami, getting weird." Penelope spoke up as she flipped through her magazine.

"Anyway, what we're doing is perfect." Elena gushed as she turned to Syd.

"Yeah, what else are we gonna do? Have an amazing time at Benihana marveling at a volcano onion?" Syd asked with a forced laugh as Elena laughed as well, hers being the only good one.

"Yeah, right." the latina said with a laugh before the door swung open as Schneider walked in.

"Oh good, you're all here. Everybody, huddle up. I need advice." Schneider spoke up as the four dressed in white snuck out the door quickly, Ophelia running back in to take the chocolate from the table before taking off out the door once again.

"The veijitas lawn bowling tournament turned into the veijitas wet T-shirt contest." Dr.Berkowitz said as they came back into the apartment a few hours later after the bottom dropped out from outside.

"No!" Penelope groaned as she threw her arms back down.

"It was so beautiful on the outside. I should have looked at the sky." Alex said with a sad look as he walked in sadly with Ophelia trailing behind him.

"All the wrinkled people kept telling me how pretty I am, and now look at me! I'm a raccoon!" Ophelia said dramatically as she wiped at the mascara that was sweared under her eyes and not seeming to come off.

"Wait, where's Mami?" Penelope asked, realizing only three of the four came inside. Lydia groaned as she walked into the apartment, dripping in water with hair that stood a mile tall.

"Don't look at me! A horrible truth has been revealed! Papito, White Child, get me a straighten iron and the Bible." Lydia said as the two nodded and ran off quickly.

"So, Valentine's Day ended up being kinda suckish." Alex said as the two began to dig threw Lydias stuff in the bathroom.

"It's not too bad, I mean at least we'll remember it. Besides we can just celebrate another day and get matching shoes." Ophelia said with a shrug as she turned to him with a small smile, Alex didn't even mind the black that coated the ring of her eyes, that did indeed make her resemble a raccoon.

"Right, the blue ones right?" he asked as she nodded.

"Right." Ophelia said and before she realized what she was doing, she leaned over and kissed him.

do i smell alexpheia being canon?

are you guys keeping up with s4 on pop tv? if so i have this amazing idea for ophelia.

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