Chapter Four

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"And the , oh my god- Mateo did this funny Nikki impression. Hi, i'm Nikki, and i'm terrible." Penelope said as she lead Ophelia and Alex into her appointment.

"Sounds hilarious, I almost had a heart attack from laughing so hard." Ophelia said with a blank face as Alex nodded alongside her.

"You gotta see him do it." Penelope said as she waved Alex and Ophelia off as they fell on the couch together.

"Enough about Mateo already, just admit it. You like him." Alex said as he looked past the brunette to give his Mom a look.

"Yeah, of course I like him. He's my buddy." Penelope said with a shrug as Ophelia laughed.

"Yeah, and Syd and Elena are only buddies." Ophelia said as Elena raised her eyebrows.

"Usually i'd take offense to that but as my best friend, i'm gonna let it slide." Elena said as Ophelia smiled and bumped her.

"Enough of the best friend stuff, next thing you know you guys are gonna have Bff necklaces." Alex said annoyed as he looked at the two.

"Already do!" Ophelia announced as she pulled the chain from her neck as Elena did the same with a smile. Alex sighed as he shook his head before Penelope walked back into the living room.

"So, what's wrong with this Mateo?" The older teen asked with a knowing look.

"Does he have bad teeth that you have to wear if you guys get married?" Ophelia asked with a knowing look as Penelope frowned her eyebrows at her.

"No. And nothing, just not my type. He's nice, he's kinda a dork. Like, he's definitely been stuffed in a locker." Penelope explained with a shrug.

"So what does this Mateo do?" Lydia questioned as she folded the laundry at the table.

"He's a accountant." Penelope explained as Lydia cringed.

"No! It's just... I like a guy who can handle his business. Someone who can take charge when I need them too. And look, he's just doesn't give me that ugh!" Penelope explained as she ran a hand over her body as her two kids cringed.

"Preach!" Ophelia said loudly while holding her hand out to Penelope , who high fived her quickly.

"I get it. I would look across the room at your Father and I would go ugh." Lydia explained as the two cringed again.

"Stop making sounds and moving!" Alex announced with insane eyes.

"I dig it." Ophelia said as Lydia laughed and pointed at her with a nod.

"No, it's a feeling you get in your stomach. It's deep, it's physical, and once you feel it you can't ignore it." Penelope spoke as Ophelia peaked over at Alex, glancing away as they met eyes.

"Yeah I get that when I eat soft cheese." Schneider said as Ophelia slapped her forehead.

"Anyway, Mateo and me... no, never gonna happen." the curly haired woman said as she sat down.

"Yeah, you're in the friend zone anyway. Can't crawl out of that." Schneider said as he sat down infront of her.

"Oh? I could if I wanted to, I have a full proof move i've been using since high school. Spill a little liquid on the girls, and suddenly my eyes are no longer up here." Penelope explained as Ophelia raised her eyebrows.

"Does it work?" she asked hopeful as Penelope looked to her.

"Yeah it- no, no, no definitely didn't work until adult hood." she explained once she realized who she was talking to. Ophelia shrugged and fell back onto the couch as Alex took a scoot closer toward her.

"There's this kid in my class, Joe Kamatcho. Who has to wear a hearing aid, and i've never been so jealous in my life." Alex explained as he stood up and walked away, making Ophelia sigh.

"I better go make him feel better and say his baby teeth aren't as bad as they look." Ophelia said with a sigh as she stood up and headed down the hallway.

"Five dollars!" Alex yelled was he wrote on the paper.

"Ten dollars!" Ophelia said as she pushed him out of the way and wrote on the paper.

"Fifteen dollars!" he announced.

"Twenty dollars!" Ophelia said while pulling the clip board from him.

"Twenty five dollars!" Alex said with a known look as Ophelia rose her eyebrows.

"You don't even have twenty five dollars." she argued as he pouted.

"I know." he answered as Ophelia shrugged and put the clip board down.

"Sold to Ophelia." the man said with a laugh, using the ph in her name instead of the f.

"Oh it's, Ophelia with a f not a ph." she corrected as he gave her a confused look.

"This is why people should really start putting last names down." he said with a sigh as he pulled the bag from the table.

"It's Alvarez." Alex said to him with a smile as Ophelia shook her head.

"A bag of popcorn sold to Ophelia Alvarez!" the man said loudly as people around them looked over. Opehia slapped her forehead as she took the popcorn, being hooked into arms with Alex yet again.

"Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" he asked her with a teasing smile as Ophelia rolled her eyes and shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

Later on that night, Ophelia left her apartment and went to the Alvarez's. She unlocked the door with one of Schneider's many keys to see Penelope in the kitchen, leaning over a stack of books.

"Ophelia, it's four in the morning. What are you doing here and dressed like that?" the woman asked as she looked to the teen, who was dressed in a formal dress and heels.

"I'm here for Elena, do you mind?" Ophelia asked her hopeful as Penelope gave her a small smile and nodded her head.

Ophelia crept down the hallway, opening Elenas door quietly and shaking her awake.

"Oph? What are you doing here?" Elena asked as Ophelia cringed at her morning breath.

"One, you need a piece of gum. And two, I remember you telling me and your quinceañera. I wanted to be apart of that like everyone else was, care to dance?" Ophelia asked as she played the song Elena said was playing at her party when her Dad ran out on her.

"This is... so sweet." Elena explained as she danced in the dark room with Ophelia.

"Well, a best friend shouldn't miss such a milestone." Ophelia explained with a smile as Elena did back.

ophelia and alex are basically married.

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