Chapter One

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"I can't believe we graduated yesterday."

"I can't believe you're already packing for university."

"Just some little things!" I stuff a photo album into the cardboard box, closing and sealing it off with clear duct tape.

Lizzie, my best friend since birth, grabs a pillow from my bed and throws it at me. "Stop it! You're making me sad." 

I toss the pillow back. "You've got me all summer though!" 

"But Phoebe, you're going to America. America. Of all the places to go you choose the States." 

"I'll bring you back some freedom." 

"With a side of bacon glazed-donut cheeseburgers?"

My jaw drops. "That is not a thing." 

"It is a thing. Look." She holds up her phone, which displays a picture of the food she described.

"I think I just got diabetes," I say. "What is it with those Americans and food?"

"You'll have to tell me when you find out," Lizzie replies.

I set the sealed box down on the ground before joining Lizzie on the bed, lying back to stare at the ceiling. It seemed like only yesterday we were starting our first days of primary school together, two pigtailed brats running around the playground like we owned it. Now we're getting ready to go off and actually make something of ourselves. Lizzie wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet, so she decided to stay here in Cardiff for a year or so while she thought about the future.

I, on the other hand, knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life: I wanted to produce music. I'd been in love with the concept of music since I was little, and the older I become the more I realized that I didn't want to let it go and get some cliché job as a teacher or office employee. Miraculously, I was accepted to New York University, which has one of the top music technology programs in the U.S.  I'd visited the city once before, and while I definitely couldn't see myself living there long-term, I knew based on the atmosphere that it was the perfect place to study music, whatnot with all the hopeful artists that reside in the city.

"Hello, earth to Phoebe? Are you there?" Lizzie waves her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry," I say, shaking my head. "What did you say?" 

"I was saying that I'm hungry and I started listing off places to go get food, but you clearly don't care about me enough to find me food." She adds an exasperated sigh.

I turn, propping myself up on my elbow. "You know that you're allowed to eat my food whenever you want. You don't need permission. My parents have pretty much adopted you, Liz."

"I practically live over here. You don't think I know that?" Lizzie sits up, running a hand through her hair. "Well, my mum just summoned me home, something about it being my turn to bathe the dogs."

Sticking my bottom lip out, I say, "Party pooper. We were having fun!"

"Seeing you pack your life away isn't fun!" Lizzie grabs her purse off my dresser. "I miss you already."

I smile, standing from the bed and pulling her into a hug. "You know I hate affection so appreciate this hug while it lasts."

Lizzie laughs, "I will, believe me." I let go and walk her out of the room, down the hall, and to the front door. 

"Leaving already, Liz?" My dad pokes his head out of his office, peering at her over the rims of his glasses.

"Yeah, I get to smell like wet dog for the rest of the day!"

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