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It has been a week since we got back from break and all the Hogwarts students are starting to realize that they have to get back to reality

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It has been a week since we got back from break and all the Hogwarts students are starting to realize that they have to get back to reality. Today is a GREAT day! Not my sarcasm. I have double potions, and who doesn't like double of Snape! Mental eye roll.

"Wake up, love. We are going to be late to breakfast." Draco whispered in my ear as he leaned over me. I groaned.

"Why? Cant we just stay here and skip classes?" I begged as I turned around to face him. His hair was messy, his eyes looked tired but happy, and his skin looked bright not deprived like mine felt.

"We can sit in bed and make out." I smiled as I glanced at his lips. He sighed and got up.

"Sorry, baby girl. As much as I would love that, we have to eat." He said as he walked over to his dresser. He picked out some clothes as I began falling back to sleep.

"No, don't fall back to sleep." He complained as I yawned loudly. It was silent for a while before cold lips were on mine. It immediately snapped me awake and I smiled as I kissed back. He broke it and kissed my nose.

"Can you please get up?" He whispered. I sighed and nodded. I got up and he smirked. I walked over to his dresser and pulled my robes out. Yes, I keep my robes in his room. I put them on and he watched every second as he bit his lip.

I walked into the bathroom and did my daily routine before walking out of the dorm with him trailing behind me. We walked to the great hall and saw Pansy, Blaise, Daxton, and Theo already half done.

"God where were you guys? You two are usually the first ones up." Pansy laughed.

"Someone wouldn't get up." Draco said as he pointed at me. I rolled my eyes as we sat down.

"Really? You feeling okay?" Theo asked with a chuckle. I shrugged.

*After breakfast*

"We'll see you guys later." I told Daxton and Theo. They weren't in our potions class which really sucked. Me, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise all walked back down to the dungeons and strolled into Snape's classroom.

Me and Draco went over to our desk in the back and sat down. We didn't even get one word out before Snape burst through the doors dramatically. Drama queen at it's finest. He started off class right away by talking about strengthening solution.

I was tapping my pen on my potions book, basically falling asleep again, when I felt a hand go on my left thigh. I gasped slightly and dropped my pen on the ground. I turned to Draco who just winked.

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