Chapter 41: Gumption III

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Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows, taking a step closer to Seul "So.. this is what it is all about?" his sweet usual voice was no longer there instead it was replaced by his unusual deep and alluring voice. Seul was feeling defensive all of sudden, as she took one step back "What.." she muttered confusedly.

He inhaled a deep breath, "You are sad that I might not be visiting the store anymore once I finish my drawing?" Seul grimaced knowing how easy for him to read her. She didn't intend to appear like a fool in front of him, denying his statement was the best thing for now.

"Ur... No.. I didn't say that" she argued.

"But your eyes say something else"

"Ha.. you must be mistaken. It is due to the light from this street lamp" Jungkook lurched forward and every step taken by him made Seul to take a step back. The things just went on and on following her heavy breathing.

Jungkook smirked "I may be wearing mask, but my eyes are not blinded from the truth. Why are you feeling that way though?" he probed. Her eyes quivered feeling defeated. She tried to convince herself not to fall for Jungkook's evil plan to lure answers out from him.

Jungkook was testing her.

"JK-ssi, I think it is time for you to leave and meet your brothers. I will see you around, I guess. Thank you for the ice cream and walking me back home. And uh... happy new year" clutching onto the sketch book tightly, Seul turned her heels getting ready to escape from Jungkook.

Bemused, Jungkook wouldn't let her go to that easily as he needed to execute his plan first.

To her surprise, she felt a soft tug around her wrist. She was pulled back facing him, crashing against his warm body, Jungkook tugged his mask uncovering the rest of his face. He did not want to waste any minute. He used one of his free hand to cup Seul's cheeks, encircling another one around her waist holding her body close.

Jungkook dipped his head, connecting their cold lips together. Warmth sipping through her body making her froze. Seul was surprised to find her own lips parted not long after giving into the kisses. Their breaths mingled.

He smiled between the kisses, stroking her cheeks lovingly.

The feel of her lips against his rendered him breathless.

The sights and sounds of a spectacular firework matched the sparks in their heart. She really wanted to have a good look of his face, but the kisses made her mind went numb. The only things that matter now was the kisses. Unlike the kisses that she had with Yoongi, this one was more careful and gentle. She did not want to compare these two guys. Seul had to admit it was different.

Jungkook pulled away slowly, turning Seul body with her back facing him. He did not plan on telling her who is him just yet, because that was the only leverage that he had to be able to meet Seul again in the future. Enveloping his arm around Seul from back, he ran his lips to her ears and whispered almost a little too romantically "Happy New Year Seul-ssi" Seul was trembling under his soft touch.

"I will see you around" Jungkook left a soft peck on the top of her head, pulling his mask to cover his face again and left with a wide grin plastered across his face.

Seul on the other hand was trying to register the whole thing, everything happened so fast. Clenching onto her chest, she gasped regaining her soul back into her body "What the hell just happened?" she bit her lower lips.

She turned back in hope Jungkook would still be around but to her dismay, he was nowhere to be seen. How could he flee without words and left her hanging? This was totally unacceptable.

"Nuna! Why are you standing here?" Hoon's voice brought her out of her trance. She was feeling a little feverish, was it because the kiss with Jungkook? Her brother scrutinized her expression with a wary look "Why are you so red? Are you sick?" he touched her forehead with the back of his hand.

"Urm..I think so.. come on lets get inside" she tugged his arm, making their way inside before he could inquire him further. Seul was not in the right state of mind to answer any Hoon's question, not when she still needed an answer from her mysterious Mr JK. 

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