Chapter 111: Reliance I

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Unexpected call from Mrs Hwang few minutes ago caused Yoongi to drop everything that he did right way. Seul's life way more than important than his unfinished songs, when he left his studio in hurry Namjoon threw the older guy a questioning look.

"Hyung..where-" "I will explain to you later" Yoongi disappeared into thin air giving him no time to process. Confused, the tall guy returned to his studio in complete silence. Yoongi is a man, he knew how to take care of himself and not to get into trouble. Namjoon assured himself with his little pep talk to ease the uneasiness in him.

Wandering cluelessly around the city was Yoongi, trying to figure out Seul's whereabouts. Clutching onto his phone tight, this would be his 20th attempt to reach her yet it brought him to voice mail. This unspeakable worries that he had at the moment was killing him softly.

'Seul, where are you' he looked down into the dark street. Hearing Seul's health history from her mother scared him to death, he couldn't imagine what will happen to her if he delayed the search even for a minute.

After thirty minutes searching her neighbourhood, Yoongi received a text from what seemed to be from Mrs Hwang. His eyes glimmered with hope upon reading the text, 'Okay, her favourite place to chill. Hill' he blinked in dazed.

'Wait, hill? Do they have hill here?' Yoongi scanned the area, taking in every movement until his eyes noticed a small alley between two tall buildings which will lead him somewhere. At least, he's one step closer in finding Seul. His main priority was to bring that girl back safe and sound without any scratches.

Even though Yoongi was sceptical by his own choice, however he followed his heart and walk through the dark alley without much thought. The small board near the bench with an arrow and "To Signal Hill" really saved the day. His smile found its way back on his sullen face and now all he had to do was to find any sign of Seul there.

Following the path, he made sure his steps were slow just in case Seul was somewhere around the area. He spent 15 more minutes to reach the peak, and to his utter astonishment he didn't see even a strand of Seul's hair. Yoongi refused to give up so he resumed his search until he saw the dead end. Considering there were no one around, it spooked him a little to know a lady like Seul could be roaming around this area alone.

His ears perked up at the sound of inaudible murmur few metres from him, therefore he picked up the pace anxious to see what awaits him. The voice resembled a whiny young lady brought his attention to a familiar figure that stood wobbly on the big rock, which seemed can fit one human legs but due to her small size she could fit both legs there. Yet, it was risky as hell.

The girl screamed at the top of her lungs and bended over as she tried to balance herself on top of the slippery rock. His eyes widened in pure horror "JI SEUL? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" he sprinted towards her angrily, grabbing the girl's waist causing her to squeal at the sudden movement.

Seul clung onto him for her dear life "What the-"she didn't need to see the owner of the voice because Seul could smell his expensive cologne. It was Min Yoongi, there's no doubt. He tightened his grip around her waist, carrying her bridal style and started walking away from the dangerous cliff to another side of the empty area.

Setting her down carefully, Yoongi flew into a rage "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT IS NOT GOING TO SOLVE PROBLEM? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE ME A CALL, SO I CAN HELP YOU. MY GOODNESS YOU ARE AN IDIOT SEUL!" he pushed his face into hers so suddenly that she shrank back, hiding her head like a turtle, afraid by his outburst. It took her by surprise.

A muscle twitched under his eye and he grinded his teeth out of anger, his fiery eyes looked deadly dangerous. Not to mention, he was breathing heavily, and she could see a visible flush on his porcelain skin.

Yoongi straightened himself, rubbing the back of his hair angrily "I..." she gulped in fear. He glowered upon hearing Seul's timid voice, she looked up at him with her eyes slightly enlarged as she continued "I don't think I need your help to find my missing necklace. It is not a big deal. Why are you yelling at me?" Seul had a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Wait-what? You are looking for what?" he was slightly annoyed by the fact that he had jumped into conclusion before asking the frightened girl the truth. The image of Seul stood on the rock and was about to roll down the cliff clouded his judgement.

Her forehead creased into a deep frown, "You are looking for your necklace so you're not trying to jump off the cliff and commit suicide?" Yoongi eyed glued on her trying to find the lies beneath those innocent eyes.

"What?! Are you crazy? Why would I jump off the cliff?" she shrieked in disbelief.

"So you are not trying to kill yourself?" relieved by her answers, he steadied his breathing and let out a loud sigh.


"I don't think a sane person would stand on those rock for a stupid necklace! You could get hurt!"

"I dropped it on the ground, but I couldn't see it, so I assumed it might roll off somewhere down there. Goodness, you are overreacting Min Suga!" Seul rolled her eyes. "For your information, it is not just a stupid necklace, that is a present from Jiminie" to call the precious gift from Jimin stupid offended her.

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