Chapter 15- Happy times don't last

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It was weird to see her face to face. This was my sister, but she looked different, acted differently. She seemed empty, that sparkle she once held in her eyes was ripped away. I can tell she's been trying to act ok, she seems frustrated with herself any time she flinches. I know she's trying to stop and it sucks to know I can't help. 

She sat on the sofa looking toward the TV, but she clearly was lost her thoughts. I need my little sister back, she needs the old Aria back too. She needs to feel loved and she needs to know that people care. That's when I had an Idea. 

I slowly got up from my spot on the sofa and headed over to the kitchen where dad and mom were currently chatting about who knows what. When I entered the kitchen dad and mom were drinking some soda and laughing amongst themselves. Nancy was the first to notice me. 

"Hey sweetie" She smiled softly before taking another sip of her drink. 

"Hi, I um I have a question," I said getting both my father and Nancy's attention

"what is it bud?" dad asked setting his rink back on the counter.

"well Aria's been inside doing nothing and I was wondering if it would be alright to hang out in the backyard. I know she's isn't super healthy right now so I just wanted to know if it was safe for her to go outside." I asked.

I really wanted to make her smile. She needed fresh air and just a little bit of fun away from the living room.

"Yeah of course bud, just be careful she still has a lot bruising and soreness. we will be In here if you need anything" Dad said with a smile. 

I simply nodded before going back to the living room. Aria was still in the same spot and zoned out. I knew no matter what I did next I would scare her a little. If I spoke she would flinch, If I tried to tap her on the shoulder she would flinch. But I had to get her attention somehow. So I stood a little way away from where she was sitting so she would get scared of me being so close unexpectedly. 

"Hey Aria" I spoke as soft as I could to get her attention.

She blinked a couple of times before looking at me, She really didn't flinch. I was happy I was able to speak to her without her flinching. 

"Do you want to go outside for a bit and get some fresh air with me?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"u-um s-sure" She responded quietly before getting on the sofa slowly

We both slipped on some shoes by the front door and then to the other side of the house to get to the back yard. As soon as we stepped outside, Aria took a deep breath and smiled. She freaking smiled!!!

Our back yard wasn't the biggest but it had enough space for the shed, Nancy's little garden in the back corner, and the patio that had out sitting area and barbeque. I watched as Aria walked off the patio and onto the grass. 

"So watcha wanna do? we have a bunch of stuff in that bin we could play with. or we could just sit." I said pointing to the big bucket we had full of different stuff like frisbees, footballs, soccer balls, even some badminton stuff, we had it all. 

She didn't answer, instead, she walked over tot he little table in the middle fo the seating Aria and stared at the rocks lined up in the center. 

"Oh, each rock is one of us. we all decorated our own. Hey! maybe you can decorate one. If you want" I said

I mean she is part fo this family, and now she is the only one without a rock on the table. 

"M-maybe Later...d-do you have a c-chalk?" she asked looking around the patio.

"yeah it's over here, we can draw on the concrete," I said grabbed the box of chalk from the bucket. 

we both walked over to the part of the patio that

"ok" she smiled and sat down on the ground next to me. 



I stared at myself in the mirror, or what was supposed to be me anyway...

The cast on my arm was heavy and ugly. there were bags under my eyes, but they've been them since the first time Tuckers friend dragged me into the bedroom. I was skinny, but if Tucker could see me he would say I gained 100 pounds. I don't think I'm supposed to feel like this...


I slowly brushed my hair out best I could and briefly smiled about my day. Charlie and I completely covered the patio in chalk for hours and the sun hitting my skin was amazing. Back with Tucker, the only time I was outside was when I would walk to school and even the I was absent most of the time. Dad and Nacy weren't mad about the chalk-like I thought, no they were smiling and laughing. But eventually made me and Charlie get up and shower because we were covered in chalk...

Happy times... but they won't last long. 

Everyone is so happy Tucker is put away, why? He probably has a million people out looking for me. When they finally find me, I know I'm going to wish I died that night in the basement. In a way, I already feel dead.

Isn't this what death is supposed to feel like, like your safe and free. 

From the moment I found out my father was in the hospital sitting next to me, I felt safe. I don't know why I don't even know the guy. Now I'm in his house will all my brother and a stepmom who clearly thinks of me as her own. But why?

What if this is all a dream and in reality, I'm laying on the basement floor still with Tucker nearby waiting for my eyes to flutter open like every other time he's forced me into unconsciousness.

I looked back into the mirror and stared at myself once more...

Who am I?

I was;t human, I don't deserve these clothes or this family. This isn't a dream I was a venomous trick by Tucker. A lesson to remind me that I am not a person, I'm his property...

7 years of him forcing me to believe that and right now at this moment, I don't feel like anything but an object.

I'm weak, ugly, dirty. 

I've done terrible things with people and I let it happen. I listened like the good little girl I was supposed to be thinking that one day the pain would stop. But I never did and I wasn't going to end now. 

Tucker was right, No one can love me, especially when they find out all my dirty little secrets. 

Tucker was right all alone

no one loves me..not even myself. 

I lowered myself to the ground of the bathroom floor and just laid there letting my memories fog my brain.

"Your nothing, it that understood!"

"stopped crying, the only reason your hurting is because you keep fighting back"

"stop resisting and maybe they will leave faster Aria,"

"stand in the corner, only people get to eat not pets"

"your only alive because I allow you to breath, rat" 

My eyes were fixed on the glossy ceiling when suddenly my hearing registered the banging at the door, but before I could answer I noticed the window.

It was dark our now..

How long have I been in here?

1281 words 

updated May 06 2020

I literally gave up on my online school work and wrote this instead. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. I have so many unpublished book on here that I want to publish already but I also know I need to keep updating my current stories. With all this quarantine going on I've been writing a lot so hopefully I'll get some chapter to my current stories done. I love you ALL

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