Chapter 7- Private Questions

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I started silently at Derek as he rubbed small circles on the top of my hand, he's been trying to get me to fall back asleep for the past 15 minutes. But I can't, I'm wide awake and too scared to sleep. I don't want that dream to continue.

I looked out the window and saw sunlight coming through. It had to be around 5 or 6 am for the sun to be coming up now.

I looked around the room now that I had a better source of light. Grayson was no longer in the room. Neither was my dad. It was just me and Derek.  And I wasn't scared. I felt safe with him. I think Derek noticed because he spoke just moments after I looked around the room

"after you fell alseep, Dad went back home to help with Charlie and Steven.  And Grayson left a hour after that to take Mason to soccer practice" Derek said.

Charlie? Steven? Who's Mason?

Once again I'm pretty sure Derek read my mind.

"Um, Steven and Charlie are your big brothers to Aria. They are younger that me and Grayson but older that you. And um, well Mason is you half brother. He's younger than you." Derek continue to explain after seen my confused expression.

"Well um a few months after you left, dad met this really nice lady, Nancy. Oh Aria, your going to love her. Anyways. A year after that, dad and Nancy had a little baby boy. Mason." Derek said.

I was happy for them, I was, I really was. But it kind of hurt. Didn't they miss me? Why did they just forget about me and make a new kid? Maybe there a reason, I shouldn't stress over it now.

I nodded lightly and relaxed a little after realizing I was kind of tense.

For a whole hour Derek just talked to,  he would laugh ever so often and say he was rambling but still continued. I didn't mind. He's one of the first few people that hasn't yelled or hurt me yet, and I was thankful for that.

But after an hour dad had come in the room. And he looked happy.

"Good Morning sweetheart" dad said walking over to me and kidding my forehead.

He looked tired but tired as he looked when I woke up the first time. He had bags under his eyes then.

"So Dr. James said that is everything goes okay today we will take you home tomorrow" dad said with a smile.

But I was no longer happy. Home. As in the place where bad things happen. I don't want to go home. It's barely even a home.

"Aria, he means your new home. Your going to live with all of us." Derek says stopping me before I have a panic attack.

I was shocked that he read my mind again. Wait, live with them. I won't have to go back to Tucker's house? No more basement?

Before anything else could be said. Dr. James walked in. E had his lab coat and scrubs on. Today he had another doctor with him instead if a nurse. This doctor was a girl and reminded me of Belle from beautiful and the beast. She had the dark brown hair and everything.

"Good morning Miss Aria, how are you feeling today?" Dr. James asked.

I didn't want to asnwer. I'm in pain but it's bearable. I don't really talk unless Tucker would yell at me too, or when mom yelled at me..

"Okay, Aria. We need to some very important questions, but they are very private questions so I brought my very good friend Dr. Lesly. " Dr. James explained and then looked up at Derek and dad

"This will only take about 15 minutes. So you have time to go grab some coffee" Dr. James said.

Derek and dad nodded and both looked at me. Derek kissed my hand and dad kissed my forehead telling me they would be back in a little bit. And then I was left along with two doctors.

Dr. James and Dr. Lesly shifts around till sitting on two different side of my bed.

"Ok Aria, I promise no matter what you say, no one will know. Just us in the room okay. We just need to know to see if your okay to go home with you dad, okay" Dr. Lesly says with a soft voice.

I nodded slowly

"Ok they are yes and no questions so all you have to do is move your head to answer. You don't have to talk until you want to" Dr. lesly said

I nodded again.

"Aria didn't anyone else ever hurt you besides Tucker?" Dr. Lesly asked. I stiffens at the mention of his name.

Should I Tell her? Will I be safe? I need to. Maybe they can help with pain. They helped with everyone else.

I felt tears in my eyes as I nodded slowly.

"Other men?" Dr. Lesly asked, she seems upset but kept a straight face.

I nodded again causing tears to fall out of my eyes.

"Ok, Aria I know this is hard but I need you to tell me when some of the men did" Dr. Lesly said holding my hand now.

My mind flashed back to all the times I was in the room, the times they would make me sit on the bed. All the times they get on top of me. The times they made me touch them, all the times they touched me.

I shook my head quickly telling her now. My cries started to become overwhelming. I don't want to think about it..

"You know what Aria. I think that's enough for now. Dr. James and I are going to go get you Brother and dad ok?" Dr. lesly said.

I nodded trying to get all the memories out of my head.


Dad and I were walking back to Aria's room with coffee in our hands and a small bag of cookies for Aria. I saw both the doctors talking outside Aria door. They looked puzzled so dad and I went over there quickly.

"How did it go? Is she alright?" Dad asked worried.

Both doctors looked upset and kind of disappointed.

"I'm sorry Mr. Winter but my assumptions were right. Aria was definitely more that just physically abused. She was also sexually abuse, we just don't know how far it went. We are going to do some tests and see if she is alright." Dr. James said.

My heart stopped. My baby sister, was touched and hurt. I quickly walked into.Arias room and placed the stuff on the tray before sitting next to Aria who was crying. I quickly hugged her and let.her cry into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Aria. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you like that again. I swear on my life no one will.ever hurt you again" I spoke quickly.kissing her head as she cried into my neck now.

minutes passed and she calmed down.  And dad had come in to the too.. Ari's.had her eyes close and was definitely asleep now. So I looked over at dad and started talking.

"What's we going to do?" I asked.

"We can't take that away from her, but we can help her through it. Therapy and time. She just needs know that we won't do that to her. And that we won't let anyone ever do that to her again. It's to late to take that all back, but her can keep it from happening again" my dad spoke looked at Aria one last time before standing

"Nancy and everyone are in the waiting room. I going to bring them up and fill everyone in. Just so everyone is careful from now on about certain topics around her" dad said referring to Aria

I nodded and looked back at Aria.

"I love you Princess" I said barely above a whisper.

1338 Words

Updated August 8, 2018

I'm going to try and update two chapter everytime I update from now on..

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