Chapter 9- First Words

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     My mind was still floating. I felt dizzy and pain. Nothing but pain. I couldnt move. He tied my wrist to the head board, I felt like the were going to break from being so spread out. I ran out if tears and I could no longer scream. He had stuffed the rag in my mouth because I was whimpering and crying so much.

He left me here, naked and in pain. I continued to stare at the ceiling. I felt like I was going to pass out, but i was afraid if i fell asleep I wouldn't wake up. Everything that happened all night Long ran through my head. Tim hurt worse they anyone else who has been in this room with me. Never has anyone every done what Tim did me to.

He got dressed a whole ago and left the room. I think hes still here because I heard to make voices earlier. Probably Tim and Tucker. I Could hear some plates clattering and stuff in the distance. They were in the kitchen. Water sounded amazing right.

"You what?!?" I heard Tuckers voice shout and glass breaking seconds after

I instantly flinched. Causing waves of pain to surged through out my whole body

"You better be fucking Joking Tim! YOU KNEW THE RULES YOU IDIOT" I heard Tucker scream

"Hey. I'm sorry ok?" I heard Tim's voice faulted and his breath timid. He was scared.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE."I Heard Tucker Scream followed my quick steps and a door slam.

"FUCK!" I heard Tucker scream.

My body stiffened when I heard hurried foot step coming closer to the room no doubt.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldnt do anything. I was tied up and had no way to cover my Naked body from anyone who enter the room.

"Please.." I heard Tucker sigh from right out side the door.

The door handles turned and the door popped open. My eyes could barely open, but I could see Tucker standing there.

He walked over to me and examined my body before looking back at my face.

"Aria..? Aria I need you to stay awake ok?" Was all he said before starting to untie my wrist.

I tried keeping my eyes open. Everytime them would shut even the slightest bit Tucker would say my name once and my eyes would shoot open as wide as they would..which wasnt much.

It took him about 5 minutes to untie my wrist since Tim tied them so Tight. Tucker looked shakey and sweating like crazy. After he untied my wrist he left the room.

I laid in silence for a little. Memories of last night stinging my brain. I heard the bathroom water being turned on. Tuckers footstep were loud as he rushed around the house. After a few more minutes he appeared back into the room.

I laid limp still. Now matter how hard I tried to move even a finger, my body hit me with pain and flashbacks of last night. Tucker remove the clothe from my mouth causing a weak whiner to leave my mouth.

Tucker put one hand under my legs and the other on my back. I flinched hard thinking he was going to hit me or something.

"Its okay..shh" Tucked hushed me before  picking me up

My whole body burned. Pain radiated all through my body. Tears well up in my eyes and my body stuffened.

Tucker carried out if the room and down the other hall to the bathroom.

The bath water was running already. The steam from the hot water filled the air. There was fresh set if my clothes folded on the counter next to a big towel .

Tucker gently placed me in the warm bathtub. It felt so good and relaxing. My back was leaned againt the wall of the tub opposite to the wall with the faucet.

"Aria, wake up sweetheart " I heard a distant voice.

My eyes fluttered open to find Derek standing up with a worried look on his face. I flinched when he wiped my cheek. I didnt even know I was crying.

"Its okay. You're safe. It was just a dream princess " Derek said stroking my hair

All I could do was cry more. Everything rushing to me head. I felt safe here. I felt love. I feel no pain. Tears streamed down my face.

Derek hugged me lightly and tried humming me back to sleep.

"Its okay Aria" he sighed while hugging me.

"I-I d-dont w-w-want to g- go back.." I whimpered out.

At first I felt scared. What if he didnt want me to talk. I didnt want to get in trouble or punished. But to my surprise Derek only hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

"You never going back. I promise you Aria. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again" he said kissing my head one last time.

I nodded letting a few tears of happiness leak out. I was so thankful to hear that.

Derek kept humming. I listened to the low rhythm and so fell asleep to it.

865 words.

Updated January 11, 2019.

Sorry I havent updated in a while. Hope you can forgive me. Love you guys

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