CHAPTER 12- "just go back to sleep"

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He didn't hurt me, no one hurt me. I never meant to drop the picture and break it. I for sure thought they were going to hit me like Tucker, but they didn't.

The kitchen table was pretty much silent, I ate as much as I could before Derek said he doesn't want me to make myself sick. I'm just not used to eating that much. Derek made me take some more pills to help swelling and pain I guess.

After everyone was done eating Derek, Nancy and I cleaned up the kitchen. They tried to tell me to go play or something but I explained that I really wanted to help. The truth was, I don't really know how to play, I've always cleaned and slaved away for Tucker and Mom, I never had time to play. The only times I was in my room was when tucker put me in there after his "clients" were done with me.

"Aria." A voice brought me out of my thoughts

"You okay, you've been drying the same dish for a while now" it was Derek. I looked over at the stack of plates that I still needed to dry and sighed.

"S-sorry." I spoke before quickly grabbing a new plate to dry.

We quickly finished the dishes and The three of us got cookies from Nancy's secret cookie jar. We had to eat the in secret which made us laugh and giggle when dad came into the kitchen and we stuffed out mouths with the cookies so we wouldn't get caught. Eventually Nancy slipped him a cookie in exchange for his silence.

It felt good to laugh, to smile, to feel like I was allowed to speak.

I felt like a human for once and not just a slave.

The night went on and we all mostly sat in the living room watching movies. I don't remember the name of the movie or even what it was about. I was tired, physically and mentally. I just cared about sleeping.
I remember I was sitting with Grayson, we were together in the recliner and I felt safe. The blanket was super fuzzy and warm, something I hadn't felt in ages. My blanket back at home-well my old home- was thin and hand a bunch of holes in it, it did it's job though, so I shouldn't complain to much.

I kept dozing off every few minutes, Grayson was rubbing small circles around my hand. It caused a memory to surface. I was little, very little. And Grayson was doing the same thing to my hand. It was like deja vu but years apart..

I let my head fall into Graysons side and looked around the room. Nancy and dad were cuddled against each other  in the big couch and Mason was sprawled out across their laps. Steven was in the other recliner on his phone but every so often I could
Feel him starring at me. Charlie was next to Derek I'm the other side of the big couch, they weren't up close like me and Grayson but they were still in arms length of each other. It was nice, this small picture of a perfect family. I wish it would last...

I woke up briefly once I felt myself being lifted up. I whimper left my mouth but I was to weak to get away.

"Shh.. Aria it's okay, just go back to sleep" his voice was soft, but the voice surfacing from my ocean of memories was sinister. I closed my eyes and let the flashback consume my mind.

I subtle rock of the bed woke me gently from my sleep, I ignored it thinking i knocked a pillow off the cool sheets. Big mistake. That's when I felt the hand on my thigh, I unconsciously tried to wiggle away but the hand tightened.  My eyes shot open and a whimper escaped, but as always I froze up and lost control.

I laid there, frozen. Paralyzed with fear. I was weak, I was a baby and let everyone hurt me. I guess I deserve it since I don't fight them off. The persons hand moved up and up almost sneaking under my shorts. Disgusted. That's all I felt. Not at him, but at myself. Fight! Push him away! Do something! But my body didn't listen... I stayed paralyzed.

I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks and soon followed his voice.

"Shh... Aria it's okay, just go back to sleep" he spoke with venom lacing his voice.

Tears no longer were leaking out but instead it was like a full river flowing. His hands were on me and it burned me to know that I still wasn't doing anything to stop him. I laid there and waited for it to be over, or for any sign of help...

My body hit the soft surface of a bed and I jolted up.
I tried to wiggle my way away from the person holding me but I was too weak. I could here them but my brain was to fuzzy to understand their words.

"Please! Stop! Get away!" I screamed. I don't want anyway touching me. I kept still for too long. I don't want to hurt anymore.

I finally broke, I screamed and screamed begging the person to release me. I hoped my yells would help them understand that I didn't want this. I didn't want to hurt anymore.

"Aria! Baby breath. Shh" the males words finally broke through my fuzziness. Grayson.

My eyes snapped toward him and Derek who was right next to him holding me still. They were trying to hurt me, it look like they were trying to keep me from hurting anyone.

That's was it.

That's when I broke.

Tears ran down my face and my body melted into Graysons embrace. For years I flinched at even the slightest touch, but they were different. They didn't feel cold like everyone, they were warm and their heartbeat told me they actually had a heart and cared.

Grayson held me close as he kept whispering how I was safe and that they would never hurt me. I could hear some drawers being opened and closed around me. Probably Derek doing something. I ignored it and continued to snuggle into Grayson.

"Hey princess.." Dereks hand landed on my forehead.

"Hm" I hummed to tired to respond

"You gotta change into to some sleep clothes, and get ready for bed sweetheart." Derek spoke gently moving some hair out of my face.

"Mm tired" I whimper out trying to hide my face into Graysons chest.

"Derek... she's tired. She's fine like this" Grayson chest vibrated as he spoke.

"Fine. But she needs her meds" I heard the sound of a bag being opened and some clicking

"Princess you gotta open your mouth" Derek spoke.

I did my best, but eventually Grayson held the sides of my mouth the help. I felt cold icky tasting liquid. I swallowed it down and felt it take charge within a minute.

Sleeping medicine..

"Goodnight sweetheart" was the last thing I heard before darkness fully consumed me

1194 Words
Updated October 31 2019



Have a great Halloween💕

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