Chapter 4- Your Safe

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  She looked so afraid. How could someone be so afraid of the ones related to her by blood? Then again her own mother let a man hurt her. I started at her with disbelief, it was really her. My little baby sister was in front of me, but it broke my heart to know she is terrified if being in the same room with anyone. Everytime some moves even an inch her whole body stiffens.

  Dad's been next to her the whole time. She almost had to be put in restraints because she tried to take the tube out of her mouth, she also tried taking out her Iv and the other many things connected to her. Dr. James said he wouldn't have her out in restraints because on the bruise on her wrists, which were already from being tied up. Dr. James didn't want to scare anymore.

  Grayson and I sat on the couch watching her sleep. Dr. James said she needed the rest so dad was telling her a story till her eyes fell shut. She tried so hard to stay awake, you could tell she was to afraid to go to sleep. She would snap her eyes open everytime they closed. That went on for about 20 minutes before dad started to tell her a story. She finally fell asleep and looked so peaceful.

Grayson has yet to say a word. But I can't blame him. He was the closest to our little sister. They were stuck together like glue. Aria was a mess when they were apart and Grayson was a complete jerk when he little baby sister wasn't around.

He's just been staring at her, I thought he was going to cry a couple times. There were moments where it looked like he was going to get up off the couch, but after a couple seconds he just leaned back with a huff. I know there a battle going on inside he's mind right now.

7 year ago when our mother took Aria away, Grayson literally broke into pieces. He was a mess and dad did everything in his power to try a fix him. Grayson started to cause trouble and get into fights. Dad got him into therapy and started to get Grayson involved with other things to keep him busy, then Grayson never had the time to get in fight or cause trouble. He was always busy. That's when things started to get better.

Grayson became a lot better a year after Mason was born. He realized he had to be there for his new little brother and the rest of his brothers. Grayson has been the best brother to our little siblings. But sometimes he would have those bad days where he could even go in his room because it's covered in pictures of him and Aria. Some day he would disappear all day and come back dinner. He's even taken Mason and Charlie out for the day just so he can avoid the house his little sister once stayed in.

  Grayson was doing well this past year though. He's been a real help around the house and at the kids school.

I snapped out of my thoughts when my dad stood up from her chair next to Aria's bed. He looked tired and worried.

"Im going to call work, I'm gonna need a few days off and stuff. I'll be back" my dad said walking out if the room clearly needing some air..

I looked over at Grayson who was still staring at Aria.

"Gray...-" before I could say anything else he finally spoke

"Look at her... Just look at her Derek." Grayson yelled in whisper clearly about to break down

"I am Gray." I stated

"Am I going crazy or do you see our little sister, the sister we promised to protect since the day she was born, in a hospital bad barely breathing." Grayson said with tears slowly streaming down his face.

"Your not crazy, I see her too. But you know what else I see?" I say slightly smiling.

"What?" Grayson replies not taking his eyes over Aria.

"I see me and you Gray. I see me and you sitting his a hospital with our little sister. I see our chance to make up for the Seven years we lost to protect our baby sister. Your right, she's barely breathing. But she's breathing and we are here to show her she still has reasons to keep breathing." I say somewhat also convincing myself that's she needed us too.

Gray smiled slight and rubs his hands together. I smiled too when I watched him finally stand up from the couch and make his way slowly over to Aria's bed. He sat in the chair dad once say. Grayson looked scared, he had this look on his face that he was worried if he touched her she would disappear from his life again. But after a few seconds Grayson reached his hand out and held her smaller once in his.

He let out a breath that he was holding in. He looked happy and surprised that it was actually her.

"Hey princess" Grayson started by calling her the nickname he gave her long again

"I'm sorry I let myself lose you 7 years ago. But I'm here now, I'm here now Aria and I swear on my life that I will never leave you again. Will never forgive myself for letting them hurt you but I promise I will.never let anyone hurt you again. Your safe, and I just need you to know that. Your safe Aria, your safe and no one will hurt you again" Gray finished with tears almost making me cry.

I stand up and walk over to Gray and look down at Aria.

"I'm here too, Sweets" I said calling her by the nickname I used to call her.

Grayson and I both watch in awe and surprise whole Aria's eyes flutter open and look at us.

"Hey princess" Grayson says with a smile.

1009 words

Updated August, 6, 2018

I'm going to start putting the date just so people I can keep track of when I last updated and also for you guys to know. I hole you liked this chapter.

I also want to announce that I will be doing a contest soon so stay tuned💖

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