Chapter 5- Breathing on my own

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"Hey princess." I opened my.eyes to reveal the source of the two voices I heard talking..

I felt safe after hearing everything they said. I remember them slightly. I remember having brothers, four of them I think. I don't really remember them though there names our kind of a blur too. I know I have one named Charlie for sure. But I can't remember their faces or voices.

I looked at the two older boys as them smiled at me. Maybe they are my brothers. They look like the man that's is my dad. They look a lot alike him actually.

I realized the one sitting down was holding me hand. His hand was warm and comforting. I like the warmth. The one standing with a clean cut beard had his hand on the little night stand thing next to the hospital bed I was in.

I wanted to talk to them so bad. I wanted to know who they were or ask them how much time I have before I have to go back to mom and Tucker. I wanted to know how much time I have left before I feel so much pain again. I started to think about home and everything in it.

I didn't want to go back. I don't like it there, in fact I hate it there. It smells like alcohol mixed with the different smells of all the drugs they use. I hate sleeping in my room because it only reminds me of all the things that has happened in there.

I was snapped out of my thought by a hand, well thumb wiped away some tears on my cheek. I quickly squeezed my eyes shut thinking I was going to get slapped, but the hit never came.

"We will never hurt you Aria, I promise." The one standing told me as his wiped away another tear.

I believed them, I shouldn't but I believed they weren't going to hurt me. I don't know why but I feel so safe with them.

The sound of a door opening catches mine and boys attention. I look towards the glass door and watch the curtain slide open slightly to reveal, the man that's my dad and the doctor.

"She's awake?" My dad asked speed walking to my side.

"She woke up just now actually" the one sitting down said.

I flinched slightly when my dad bent down. I thought he was going to hit me but he gently kissed the too of my forehead instead.

"Hello Aria, I'm Dr. James we meet earlier when you first woke up, remember?" Dr. James asked.

I can't speak or move much so I only blink hoping he understands.

He nods and looks over at my father and then back at me.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified right now. I don't like this. I want to know what's going on, how I
got here. Why im here. Where mom and Tucker are. I just need to know,  I feel lost and it's making me head hurt.

"Well Aria, so far everything looks good and I'm certain you can breath on your own now." Dr. James said mostly looking at my father and the boys.

"It's safe to take the tube out now. Would you like that?" The doctor says looking at me now.

I instantly blink quickly trying to say yes. This tube in my through makes it feel like I'm chocking and it's irritating. I would do anything to take it out, but they almost tied me up when I tried to take the tube out earlier.

Everyone, including the doctor laugh at my response to taking the tube out.

I watch the doctor as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out so white gloves. I instantly start thinking of Tucker.


I sat the kitchen counts on once of Tucker's friends lap. I know not to move or I will get in trouble. The man has his hands wrapped around my waist keeping me seated on his lap. I keep quiet and just watch what Tucker's doing.

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