They all laughed.

"But I still feel bad for lying to him. He's....well it's complicated but I feel like I can trust Yoongi and it's so conflicting cause he's my boss,"

Jimin made a pained face and frowned. "This isn't fair."

"You like him don't you?" Hoseok said, smirking.

"Is it that obvious?" Jimin asked. "I mean, isn't weird though? I get that Yoongi and I knew each other when we were younger but he's my boss. Its unprofessional!"

"God you sound like Yoongi. That's what he tells Namjoon and I all the time," Hoseok sighed. "Yet Joon and I aren't exactly professional with our relationships. Im with Rayne and he's getting married to Jin."

"Wait..Yoongi likes me too?" Jimin questioned.

"He does. He admitted to liking you back in high school. He just never said anything because you were quite the popular guy,"

"He liked me?"

"I think he's still processing this information," Rayne whispered to him.

Hoseok chuckled and shook his head. He took another bite of his food. "I understand that he's the boss, Jimin, but I don't think I've ever seen Yoongi like this before with someone. You should give it a try. Forget professional."

"Are you sure? What if this doesn't work? What if he does fire me? Then what?"

"He won't fire you. You're too good of a secretary. He's not stupid. He wouldn't fire you.

"I don't know you guys." Jimin replied, biting his bottom lip. "Maybe I should wait for things to be less busy..."

"Don't wait too long Jimin,"

"I won't,"


Jimin felt better when he went into work the following morning. He was more alert and remembered to cover up the marks on his neck. He was still sore but not as bad.

He smiled at some of the girls as he hustled down the hall to visit Namjoon. He had the contracts in his hand for Namjoon to hand out to the artists. Jimin's heart was racing. Once Rayne signed this she would be officially an artist under Cypher Records. Her past would finally be behind her and a new chapter would start.

The studio was practically empty when Jimin entered but he found Namjoon sitting in the corner with a clipboard propped up on his lap. "Hey Namjoon," Jimin said, announcing his presence.

"Hey Jimin, what do you have for me?" He asked.

"Those contracts that you asked for."

"Perfect, thanks Jimin."

"You're welcome." Jimin handed him the folder, said goodbye and exited the room. It was quarter to noon. He had fifteen minutes to get Yoongi his coffee.

Yoongi fumbled with his tie as he stood in front of the mirror hanging in his office. He was getting frustrated because he couldn't for the love of God figure out this tie. With a groan he gave up.

He tossed his tie on the desk and sat on the edge of it with a sigh. These wet the days he hated. Press Conferences were not fun. But bye had to. TxT needed him to be there and it would all be over soon but they were a lot. He had to day the right things which he was never exactly good at. He preferred it when Namjoon did them but he was busy and couldn't today.

The door to his office opened and Yoongi swore some of his stress was eased. Jimin gave him a semi when he turned around and saw him sitting there. Yoongi took in his outfit. Black jeans and a cream coloured turtleneck sweater. He was even wearing glasses today. He look utterly adorable. "You look grumpy," Jimin commented. "And like you just had sex in a bathroom stall," he added eyeing his shirt.

Yoongi glanced down at his disheveled appearance.

"I can't figure out my tie," he admitted. "Press Conferences make me nervous."

Jimin joined him by his side and set down his coffee. He motioned for Yoongi to stand and then grabbed his tie. "So you can perform on stage for thousands of people, but a press conference makes you nervous?" He questioned. Yoongi could hear the teasing tone his words had but there was also curiosity laced in them.

"Performing is different. I don't have to choose my words wisely. I can say whatever I want. A press conference is professional, I have to watch my words. I run a company and I need to act like a CEO."

"I see. You're going to be fine," Jimin told him. He finished tying his tie before smoothing over the lines of Yoongi's button up. Yoongi tried not to tense up as Jimin's hands ran over his shoulders and chest. Pure thoughts Yoongi told himself keep is professional don't think about fucking him senseless.

Yoongi felt his knees goes weak when Jimin started fixing his hair. He ran his fingers through it, trying to smooth is down and look like he had just brushed it. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until Jimin pulled away and nodded.

"There, much better. You look good in a suit, you should wear them more,"

"But they're uncomfortable," Yoongi whined. Jimin laughed.

"That's why I work in a bar. I don't have to wear a suit," Jimin joked. Yoongi smiled softly.

"Do I look presentable enough?"

"Yes. Now go knock ' em dead,"

I'm about to fuck shit up....

love you all though!

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