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SIX YEARS OF WORKING AT THE CLUB, JIMIN HAD LEARNED TO EXPECT A LOT OF THINGS WHEN IT CAME TO HIS SHIFTS. Although surprisingly, he often finds himself surprised about most things that happen when he works. You can be prepared for many things, but you never truly know how the night will play out until something happens. Which is why Jimin really didn't expect to end up in one of the bathroom stalls with an older woman later than evening.

Bar shifts were usually a quiet affair. Most often than not, Jimin spent the night consoling drunk women, making sure the men didn't drink too much and just chatting up a storm. While he loved to dance, sometimes it was nice to be behind the bar. It gave him the opportunity to meet new people, which is how, ironically, he met Hoseok.

The man had come into the club after a long day at work and parked himself at the bar and ordered a drink. Jimin was supposed to be working the stage that night, but last minute switched shifts with a new girl who wanted to give the stage a try. Jimin could tell he was easily stressed. He looked exhausted and he wondered whether or not he should serve him if he was tired. "I'll be okay. I didn't drive here or anything," he insisted. "I walked. I'll be fine," And so he served him, but made sure to keep an eye on him. Hoseok had sat there for almost two hours, mulling over his drink before Jimin struck up a conversation with him.

"You look like you don't want to be here, but came anyways because it was the closest place to get a drink,"

Hoseok had laughed, made a "yeah, kinda" motion, and drained his drink. Jimin held up the bottle, silently asking if he wanted another. He nodded and Jimin poured him a drink. "You ever feel like you're missing something from your life?"  he asked him. Jimin had felt like that. Dance was all he ever wanted to do, and while strip clubs provided that in some form, he wanted to be on a real stage.

"Yeah, I feel like that sometimes,"

"What do you do when you feel like that?"

"Mmm, it all depends. What exactly does it feel like you're missing?"

"Passion," Hoseok murmured. "I help run a multi-billion dollar company. I have women and men falling at my feet wherever I walk. I have been with a number of people, and yet...I don't know, I just feel like I'm missing someth- no, someone in my life. It's not exciting anymore."

"It's? You mean the sex in your life?"

"Yeah, the sex,"

"Buddy you're in a strip club, I'm sure that we could find someone worth the while for you to feel again,"

"I've been to a lot of strip clubs, Mr..."

"Jimin, you can call me Jimin, Mr. makes me feel old,"

"Well Jimin, I've been to a few strip clubs. I've had private dances, even been with a few. Nothing seems to do the trick,"

"Well you haven't been here, and I know that because if you had been here, you'd be a regular by now."

"You sound pretty confident,"

Jimin lent over the bar with a smile. He pulled Hoseok's drink closer to him. "What's your name doll?"


"Well, Hoseok, I get off work at midnight, or if you'd prefer one of the ladies," and he motioned to the stage where plenty of the girls were, "I'm sure we can arrange something,"

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