Part 17.5

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"Michael, do you really think father doesn't want me happy?"

"No, I'm sure he's not the one who is spreading these lies amongst other angels. You know how much he's loved Ariel ever since she was born." Michael replies. "I'm pretty sure she's the light in your life."

"I feel like she was made for me. But she has a mate bond with Niklaus. You know I've never been the jealous type before since we've been together and she was with Sam as well." Lucifer looks away.

"Can you guys quit this sappy moment and either kill me or torture me?"

"Shut it whatever your name is we're speaking." Lucifer says cutting at the guys arm once more.

The guy was full of blood. His face bloody with a lot of bruises due to Michael punching him repeated in the face. His arms full of cuts that Lucifer has been doing every 3 minutes after they heal and no longer bleeding. His legs are currently broken as the two angels have grabbed a hammer and shattered his knee caps.

"If you want to get out of this sooner just tell us what Gabriel has been telling the other angels and his plan." Michael says, but once he sees he isn't saying anything Michael punches him once again and Lucifer speaks again.

"Anyways back to what I was saying. Why are they after Ariel and her family. Lilith I would understand she's my child which we aren't really suppose to have children. But they are after all of them." He gets to thinking.

"Someone has to be feeding Gabriel and his army lies. Because when I was in the top ranks I've heard that father loved Ariel. He usually doesn't favorite humans or supernaturals as he says all is equal but with her." Michael looks to Lucifer smiling. "He loved to watch over her. She doesn't remember this but he visited her once. When she was a teenager it was before you met her."

"What do you mean she met father? Wouldn't she remember?"

"No, well maybe I'm not sure. It was when she was depressed and during her first shift. She was alone leaving her hotel secretly. You've heard the story right?" Michael asked.

"I never wanted to push her to tell me how she first activated her own shift. I mean she did tell me her parents first forced her to shift when she was 10 so she can understand her first shift." Michael looks away remembering the day he was with Father watching her silently cry and beg for help.

"We were there watching her. She was being attacked that day. I have no idea why there wasn't any guards or security with her. But some guy tried to get her. But how she's a witch she forced him away. She didn't know there was a car coming by in the back. So he was ran over by the person. Father had me go to the human trying to calm him down and make sure he doesn't say he saw Ariel." Michael walked away from them both remembering the day.


"I killed someone. I didn't mean to I promise. Gods going to hate me. I'm so sorry. Please wake up." Ariel begs to the dead body on the ground.

"My child. It's okay." Father tried to console her.

"No, I'm going to Hell. I mean I didn't mean for him to die. I'm pretty sure it's in the Bible thou shall not kill." Ariel rambled as Michael came by watching the scene unfold. "No! I have to have my first shift by myself. My parents left back to the castle. No one is here with me!" Ariel cries hugging her knees to her chest.

"My child calm down." He tries again, she looks up at him realizing someone is with her. "We'll be with you. I know you didn't mean it."

"God?" He nods as he helps her onto her feet.

"Let's go before someone comes and sees you here." He turns to Michael, "Michael. Meet us in the forest with some clothes when you're done here."


"She did it in self defense. But why wouldn't she want me to know? It's nothing bad I thought she would've done something worst." Lucifer says confused.

"She know who she ran over. It was Haley Marshall birth father." Michael confesses.

"No, he was killed by someone else." Lucifer says remembering that he was killed with his wife by someone close to the pack.

"No that's what Father made me give their memory. But in reality he died by Ariel due to him trying to get the Werewolf Princess to his pack to kill her in front of everyone. This is due to show them that they are still known as one of the Royal Wolves pack and are powerful enough to beat the so called 'Royal Wolves' Ariel and her family say they are. But his plan failed and I planned it in one of the wolves head to kill the mother as well so it can look like an inside job." Michael explains.

"Did she know? That it was her who killed Haley father?"

"Yes, that's why she was begging him to still live. This was before when she was kind and gentle to others. She didn't want to kill anyone even though they were trying to kill her. In a moment of panic she shoved him away from her." The guy being tortured looked sad at this information. No one in the Angel world knew this.

"So is this part of the reason why that wolf chick was after Ariel and her family?" The torture-ee asked curiously.

"Part of it. They may have somehow regained some of their memory. I'm not sure how as I did an excellent job having it removed from all of the Crescent Pack mind of the Alpha dying due to Ariel. They could've spread rumors of what happened. Ariel doesn't remember who the person was only that she accidentally killed an attacker who wanted to kidnap her. She thinks it was in California but she was in New Orleans at the time." Michael explains to the two listening.

"But why was Haley mean to Ariel if she didn't know her family just yet? Because I remember Ariel telling me that she would try to be nice to Haley when she met her but would alway be so rude to her."

"Haley is just a ... horrible person." Michael tries not to call her a bad word. "She just felt nothing but hatred and jealousy when she met Ariel. Father, before I was left to a mission of his, wanted me to protect her." Michael looks at Lucifer smiling, "than she met you. Father told me to go do something important for him as he knew you would take care of her. When you first met her even you felt something other than attraction to her."

"I did." Lucifer agreed, "but I didn't want anyone to notice so I've played it off and tried to sleep with her knowing she wouldn't." He smiled at the memory.

"You really do love her don't you?" The guy in the chair asked.

"I do more than I do myself. She's the one not to judge me. After I told her my true self she didn't push me away because of her religious beliefs. She accepted me." He smiled at the thought of his Ariel.

"Shes pregnant." The guy in the chair says after a while.

"How do you know?" The two angels ask I'm sync. But soon Lucifer felt someone started to call him.

"I'll be back." Soon Lucifer disappears.

"I know the plan Gabriel is preparing." The bloodied Angel says feeling different now knowing Ariel and Father story.

"Please let us know. Someone is plotting against Lucifer. I'm not sure why Father is allowing this to happen when he favored Ariel." Michael looks at him desperately trying to get through.

"I'll tell you all I know. But I would need you to kill me afterwards. Gabriel will torture me if he found out I told you his plan." Michael looked thoughtful debating on killing the Angel.


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