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Sakyo: “And the most surprising part of the play was at the end, when the monster gouged out Priscilla’s eyes, which for whatever reason I found funny. Any questions?”

Spike: -Raises hand- “I have two questions.”

Sakyo: “Okay no questions.” -Sits down-

Madoka: “Thank you Sakyo for that..... disturbing report. Okay, Kite?”

Kite: -Opens laptop- “Hi everyone!”

Takanosuke: “Hi!” -Looks around then lowers head-

Kite: “I'm doing a report on Vaudeville!”

Laptop: -Flashes message from Mamaw-

Takanosuke: “Aw, you grandmother wants to chat.”

Mamaw: “Kite?! Kite?”

Kite: “Mamaw I'm kinda in the middle of something!”

Mamaw: “Am I using the internet?”

Kite: “Yes, Mamaw, we couldn't be video chatting if you weren't using the internet?”

Mamaw: “Kite, I can see your puppet! Do you still take your puppet to school?”

Kite: “Eight is not a puppet!”

Mamaw: “Marty Kite still takes his puppet to school!”

Marty: “I'm in the bathroom!!”

Mamaw: “Doing what?!”

~Toilet flushes~

Everyone else: -Laughing-

Kite: “Awww......” -Plops onto floor-

Mamaw: “Kite? Kite? Kite?”

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