Elevator Steel

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Takanosuke, Sakyo, Kira, Kite and Zyro enter the elevator, unaware there's about to be a power outage, its a spacious elevator, big enough for twenty people. Suddenly the power goes out, the elevator darkens but the radio still plays.

Kira: "That's just great...."

Sakyo: "Tell me about it."

Zyro: "I can't see anything!"

Sakyo: "Huh der der der..."

Kite: "At least this isn't one of those tiny elevators, besides, I'm sure the power will turn on again soon."

Radio : -Plays ''Pocket Full of Sunshine'', dance remix-

Kira: "How soon?"

Sakyo: "I hate this song!" -Face-palms-

Takanosuke: "It'll be over soon...." -Mumbles- "I think..... At least it isn't something worse, right?"

Zyro: "Yeah, for now lets just be patient and wait for the power to turn back on."

Sakyo: -Taps foot impatiently-

Takanosuke: "You guys weren't getting on for anything important, right?"

Kite: "Well I'm not."

Kira: "Meh."

Zyro: "I wouldn't call it important..."

Takanosuke: "Whaddya mean?" -Looks to Zyro-

Zyro: "Its nothing really..... So...... How's it been lately?"

Takanosuke: "Pretty good. How've you been?"

Zyro: "I'm great, um..... Still looking for a girlfriend?"

Takanosuke: -Blushes and looks away- "No, I found one..... Her name is um.... Esukonakat Ayihsihs." (Note: Read it backwards then you'll get it)

Kite: "Uh huh. Have you met her yet, Sakyo?"

Sakyo: "Yeah, she's cute and has a great personality."

Takanosuke: -Looks to Sakyo and mouths ''Thank you''-

Radio: -Pocket Full of Sunshine ends and loops-

Kira: "That stinks."

Sakyo: "...."

Takanosuke: "That's a weird place to put a piano..."

Sakyo, Zyro, Kira and Kite: -Look where Takanosuke is looking, then look back at Takanosuke-

Takanosuke: -Smiles-

Sakyo: "Why did you do that?"

Takanosuke: "I just wanted to see how many of you guys would look."

Kira: "...... Right."

Zyro: "Now I gotta pee!"

Everyone else: "Dude!"

Kira: "Thanks for sharing."

Sakyo: "Next time don't say it aloud."

Kite: "Like there will be a next time."

Radio: -Song loops-

Sakyo: "Ugh.... Why couldn't it be a good song?"

Kite: "At least we don't have to listen to... ugh.... I don't even want to say his name."

Kira: "He who is not to be named."

Takanosuke: "You just insulted Voldemort...."

Zyro: "Yeah! And Harry Potter! But Ron's my favorite."

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