A Bad Way to Wake Up.....

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I suggest those with a faint heart doth not read this.

It was a normal morning, Kite was watching Fox News, Shinobu was drinking tea, Kira was trolling, Eight was playing Flappy Bird on Kite's phone, Zyro was eating raisin bran, and Takanosuke was still asleep.

What about Ren you ask? I don't like her, she's not here.

What about Sakyo then, you ask? Heh heh, be patient.

(Takanosuke) "Yeah! Big Bro, I just beat your high-score by 200!"


"Mmm..... Kite shut up..... I'm trying to- Mmm..... What's touching me?" I stretch a little. 

"T......... Takanosuke! Psst! Takanosuke! Wake up!" Sakyo whispers. "I need your help!"

"Okay..." I sit up and stretch, the rub my left eye. "So Sakyo, what's wrong?" I look around. ".....Sakyo? Where are you?"

"Finally, your blankets are a maze, man!" I look down in my lap and a g-g-g........ giant tarantula is on me! 

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHG!!! GET IT OFF!" It waves it's front legs around and I start screaming, and after a couple minutes of scrambling around I cringe and use telekinises to pick it up.

"IT'S ME SAKYO!" I look around and he's still not there. "Look over here!" I look at the tarantula, and notice the orange is actually more crimson. 


"Yes! Yes! Thank goodness! I don't know how it happened, but I was turned into a giant tarantula!" He says. 

"...... Eh...."

"Could you please set me down?" I nod, pulling the covers over my lap then setting him down. After I do he says something faintly. 

"I-I can't hear you Sakyo."

"... I'm sorry for scaring you! I forgot you were scared of spiders! This is probably not how you wanted to wake up, but I need help and the others would have stepped on me!"


"Takanosuke?" Kira's voice calls outside. 

"Oh no, Kira.... Um.... Ahhh..." I grab Sakyo and put him down my shirt. Kira walks in and asks.

"Hey Takanosuke, you okay?"

"Y-Y-Yeah, just f-f-fine."

"You sure? You look a little pale."

"P-Positive...." He shrugs.

"Okay," He shuts the door and leaves, then I feel Sakyo crawling up my shirt. 


"Aw thanks man! I owe you a million! You're a once in a life-time friend, and I'm grateful to have ya!" 

"N-No problem."

"What's wrong?! You're sucking your gut in!" I pick him up and set him on my lap. 

"I-I'm okay...."  'Out of all the insects and bugs, it had to be a spider?! And on top of that a freaking TARANTULA?! Omikami Amaterasu what did I DO to you?!'

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