Rebel's Arrow

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A long time ago I wrote a short, medieval Shogun Steel AU meant to be a full fanfic, but now I don't really have any drive to finish it. I'm not overly fond of what I have so far, but I don't hate it either, so I'll just post it for fun.

I stare at the horizon with my most stoic expression possible. I've finally been captured by the king's dogs and I'm about to be hung. I know my rebel gang is watching fearfully. Without me they really aren't organized, planned out, or strong; so if I die there goes the uprising.

The king is a horrible man, and right now the only reason I'm not dead yet is because he wants to see me cry. That would be a cherry on top of his sweet, sweet delicacy of a victory. But I won't, I can't, and I am unafraid! I may be a child in his eyes, but this child was going to be his downfall.

I growl a little, but nothing else. "Any last words, Sakyo Kurayami?"

I stand quiet, looking to where my rebels are most likely hiding. Curse this!

(Zyro) "Oh no, oh no, oh no! What are we going to do Eight?!"

"I don't know! We can't possibly rush in without getting ourselves executed, and you know what Sakyo said to do if this happened!"

"Don't give up, don't lose hope, don't kill yourselves. Keep the uprising strong and fiery, if you let it fall, more innocent people will die then on this day. This is the only thing I ask of you, and on the day the king falls, I will smile for once and say 'thanks, I knew you could do it'." Konai recites with a solemn look.

"King Witari might fall..." I say glumly. "Without Sakyo, we're not much of a rebel gang."

(???) I watch the execution from a distance, my thumb gently grazing my bow. I can't stand to watch another innocent person die, but here I am, for whatever reason. "Executor, you know what to do!"

Time slows as the executor reaches for the lever that yanks the ground out from underneath the redhead about to be hung. I have no clue what I'm doing, but I pull an arrow from my sheath and as I string it onto my bow, I can hear the slow clanging; the creaking of the goldwood as I pull the string, I narrow my eyes, thinking. The king won't get away with it this time!

And, as I slowly release the string, hear the whoosh of the arrow slowly leaving my grasp, I somehow manage to quickly break my vow of loyalty to the king.

The executor pulls the lever, the ground moves, but instead of choking until he dies the redhead hits the ground with a thud that from here seems so faint.

As my mind processes what I just did, I inhale sharply and my eyes widen. Get out of there, you fool! I stand and jump down from the roof, running away as quickly as I can, not slowing for anything, for if I do, I will surely die.

(Zyro) I blink, unable to believe what I just witnessed. Was that a rebel arrow?! No rebel can barely hit a target an inch in front of him, let alone a small rope that far away!

"What in Gaia's name?!..." Konai rubs his eyes.

"Who's arrow was that? We're all here!" Eight says.

"It couldn't have possibly been a citizen, they would be too fearful of being beheaded, and no one trains with weapons in the town!" Kira says.

"And no knight would ever break his vow of loyalty!" Maru says.

"Maybe we have a new ally..." I say, they all look to me, stunned, but it's the only explanation that makes sense. I smile as I watch Sakyo break his bonds and start evading the knights that won't be able to catch him again.

(Sakyo) I have no idea who's arrow that was, and I know it wasn't a rebel's, but I'm grateful for it. It seems as though we have a new ally who fired in the nick of time.

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