Shogun Apocalypse

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(Takanosuke) I've been traveling to find Sakyo with this guy, Seishin, who treats me like I'm worthless. The way he found me, no, I wasn't starving and almost dead and he was nice enough to help. I was handcuffed to by some gang, and after a day, a group ofZonbi started attacking.


“Ugh, how am I gonna get off this pole? I need to find Sakyo....” A rasping noise behind me alerts me that the undead are trying to get me. “Not now!” They start biting at me, and I start kicking them off. One reaches to bite my arm, and I headbutt it hard enough to break it's skull. Suddenly a bullet hits the chain on the cuffs and they break. I dunno who did it, but I take my opportunity of free hands, and snatch my only gun left, my pistol, because those guys stole all my other stuff, and shoot the Zonbi down. After I shoot the final one, I take a breath as the shooter walks up. “You're the one who broke the cuffs right?”

“Yeah. I'm the one.”

“Thanks. I'd better get going.”

“You going to Tokyo?”

“Actually I'm looking for somebody..... He's an important friend.”

“Hmm. If so, let me accompany you. It will be safer that way.”

“But you've already done enough...”

“You're a kid, so I'm helping you.”

'Ah, the ye old stereotype that people 13 and under are helpless.' “Eh, no th-”

“It's not the stereotype. You only have one pistol, and the next gun shop isn't for miles.” He starts walking past me. “Come on, kid.”

“You can call me Takanosuke.” I say taking the lead.


(Flashback over)

He's been helpful in a lotta ways, but he's not easy to get along with. We walk through some random town, and soon find a spot with a bit of boxes. Then we get their we both pull out our guns, I pull a rifle from a gun shop, and look around. All the Zonbi are already dead. “There's no one here.” Seishin says.

“Hang on, okay?” I check the Zonbi, then I turn my head right and drop the rifle.


“Sakyo!” I run over and kneel next to him, he's laying against a box and he looks hurt.

“Takanosuke! You're safe....” He sighs. “If only we met up before this.” I bite the inside of my lip and pull up the sleeve on his left arm.................

There's a bite mark on his forearm that's covered in dry blood.

“Sakyo!....... H-How long ago were you bit? We can still amputate it an-an-and-”

“It's too late........ To save me........”

“No!” I growl. “I've been searching everywhere! I wanted to survive the apocalypse together!” He puts his right hand on my head.

“We both knew that one of us was going to go........”

“Well if so I thought it'd be me.....”

“Takanosuke..... I wasn't looking alone........ There's a camp four miles north.... Tell the people there you're the Takanosuke Shishiya that I was looking for...... and that I was bit.” He notices Seishin. “Your name...... Is Seishin Okami....... right?”

“Uh.... yeah...” Sakyo smiles a bit.

“Your brother can't stop talking about how much he wants to find him.... I promised while I'm out on runs..... I'll try to look for you too......” Seishin's eyes widen and he lets out a small gasp. Sakyo looks back at me. “Takanosuke...... You're my best friend..... so when I turn..... I want you to be the one to put me down.....”

“But I do-”

“Please?....” I nod. “We had a great run...... yours is just going to be longer......”

“Sakyo I'm gonna miss you....”

“Aw...... just remember....” He reaches into his pocket. “'Whenever the Gurifin needs some help......'” He puts Dragoon in my hand. “'The Doragon will be there to help....'”

“It's Dragoon....”

“I want you to hold onto him.....” I nod and put Dragoon in my pocket. “You'll............. always be.............. my best......... friend....” He shuts his eyes.

“Sayōnara Sakyo Kurayami..... You were the best Blader ever.” Seishin hands me a knife.

“I'm sorry we couldn't save him....”

“It's not your fault....” I sigh as he backs away, I grip the handle and put it to Sakyo's head... “Anata wa, watashi ga motte inakatta anidatta.....” I shove the blade in then yank it back out. “Let's get to the camp he was talking about......”

“Do you want to bury him?” I nod. “C'mon then. The camp can wait...” We go outside of town, find a nice place, then bury him. I use a big, flat rock as a headstone, and write with my blood

Sakyo Kurayami

B. 1998 – D. Too soon

Sakyo Kurayami was a great Blader and Master of the Jet Black Dragon, Ronin Dragoon. He was strong, fast, and smart. He was the example of a dragon. The reason why you found this grave outside a random town, is because he died during the 2014 Zonbi apocalypse. He wasn't always my friend... But he is now, even as he goes into the after-life. I hope you realize that even if it seemed impossible, there was a Zonbi apocalypse in Japan. Sayōnara Sakyo Kurayami.

Takanosuke Shishiya

“Okay, we can go now.” I say wiping the blood off on my jeans. Seishin sets a flower on his grave. “Thank you...”

“Takanosuke, I want you to know, that the only reason I treated you that way was because I wanted you to keep pressing forward. I respected how dedicated you were.... to finding Sakyo.”

“Thank you........ I wouldn't have made it this far without you.... But c'mon. Your brother is at the camp.” I say standing. Then as we're walking away, I glance back at the crimson rose.

Emotional? Probably not. But Fun Fact: Flames and Shoguns was originally gonna be a Zombie Apocalypse story, but I changed it, and saved you guys from my terrible zombie apocalypse writing skills. So yay!

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