Devon stood up finishing the rest of his drink. He may have been a big CEO but he definitely needed liquid courage for what he was about to see.

Ronny took Devon's empty glass just as Bray- Lynne walked into the room, the second Devon's eyes landed on her and all the air inside his lungs just evaporated. It was like it had never even been there to begin with.

All her long blonde hair was pinned to one side showing off all her curls. Her dress was even more stunning.

The black ankle boots she was wearing put her at the same height as him, leaving them at eye level with one another.

Devon tried to swallow, but his mouth felt bone dry, like sandpaper and his pants felt a little too tight.

Devon was wrong when he thought Bray-Lynne was going to look beautiful, no she was drop dead gorgeous.

He thought the night she went with him to meet his family for the first time was something, but tonight she was just asking for a spanking.

Bray-Lynne walked over to where Devon was still standing, staring at her. His green eyes held her blue ones, an unknown emotion flickering through them.

"You look good tonight." Bray -Lynne mumbled out, her voice thick, and shaky. Devon was a sight to behold.

She didn't know why, but she felt as though she would never get tired of looking at the man in front of her.

He had on plain sneakers, faded, ripped blue jeans and a long sleeved shirt that was tight and showed off just how well built Devon really was under all those clothes.

Devon realized just how badly he wanted to tie her to his bed and do very wicked things to her that would make even his great, great grandfather turn over in his grave.

They didn't know how long they just stood there staring into one another's eyes, but soon someone was clearing their throat to catch the twos attention.


As they got closer to the club they could see the line. It was at least four blocks out.

"Wow, did all these people really come to the opening of Black Light?" Bray-Lynne asked.

She was stunned. She had never seen so many people in one place and all of them were waiting to get a glimpse of the new adult night club in town.

Devon was sitting close; he could feel the heat radiating off of her body. He could also smell her sweet perfume. He had the urge to stick his nose in the crock of her neck and just sniff the sweet scent, but stopped himself. Wouldn't that have been weird?

Instead of acting on his impulse he answered her question.

"Yes, but most won't get in. You see, you have to have a ticket to get in. So if you don't have that ticket you won't get in. We have been sold out for months. Handing tickets out at other clubs and sending them to our private clients." Devon whispered to her. His voice was low and full of; desire?

Bray-Lynne looked at Devon for just a second before looking away again. His eyes were shining with mischief.

She watched as the front entrance came into view. News reporters screamed out as the limo came into view and camera flashes began flashing as if they were strobe lights.

Bray swallowed, feeling her nerves come alive and her hands began to shake a little. She was scared. The questions she knew they would ask is what scared her. She had never been the center of attention before.

"You got this." Devon whispered in her ear. He grabbed her hand giving it a gentle squeeze and pulled her from the limo.

People screamed in protest, reporters screamed out questions and insults, but Bray lifted her head up high and walked down the black sparkling carpet and into the club. Still hand in hand with Devon.

Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovely Desires)!Where stories live. Discover now