"Cool. And hey, I'm sorry I bothered you talking about your boyfriend the other night. That's not my business, I get it".

"It's all good", I said.

"So he didn't mind that you went out with me?"

"Not at all"

"That's cool, maybe I was wrong about him".

"Mhm. He was totally fine with it", I lied again for no apparent reason.

"Cool", he added before going back to check some emails on his computer.

I bite my nails and look down trying to find an explanation within myself to why I was suddenly acting like that when nothing that Shawn had said about Liam and me in the past had affected me before.

"Any chances we are going out again? My friends really liked you and you can bring Liam this time". He said as he typed on his computer.

"Uh... yeah, for sure". I replied trying to put on a smile and hide the mixed feeling battling inside me.

Alex, a coworker, called him from the other side of the room to check on something and I felt the air escape my lungs when he went away. I was feeling pressure he was not even putting on me anymore. I was being weird and oversensitive and I didn't like it.

I took my phone to check if there was any messages from Liam. Yesterday we didn't talk much after the conversation we had, or argument, if you like. He made dinner, because he's a better cook than me, and time after we went to bed. He turned the light off, kissed my forehead and hugged me from behind. That was it. His body was warm and covered mine in a familiar way, but this time the heat didn't reach my heart. My heart was numb.

"What are you doing today?" Shawn asked me when we were ten minutes away from finishing the day at the office.

"Just go home. Liam had the day off since he worked on the weekend so he'll be waiting for me. What about you?"

"I was thinki-..." He left the word unfinished on his mouth and looked over me. I followed his gaze confused and I was even more confused to see Liam standing behind me with a bouquet of daisies.

I froze for a second. I looked up at him from my chair holding the flowers with a smile on his face.

"Hi, love", he said.

I felt the stares over us both and I knew I had to react but I couldn't find the words to what was happening. What was he doing here? Why did he buy flowers?

Shawn coughing behind me brought me back to the real world and away from my troubled mind. I stood up and hugged my boyfriend without knowing what to say still. A simple "hi" would had worked, but my mouth and my brain seemed to have disconnected. He hugged me back and kissed my cheek. Then, he placed the flowers in my hand and looked me in the eyes waiting for a response.

"Liam... I- I don't know what... I mean... Thank you", I finally let out and he seemed to be pleased with my answer.

"Anything for you, darling".


"Oh, hi there", Liam said out of the blue. "You are uh Sam, right? Thank you for looking after my girl this weekend"

And now I knew why he was here. Shawn turned on his chair and looked at my boyfriend while he was extending his hand.

"It's Shawn", he said in a flat tone, but with a smirk on his face. "And no problem, man. Although, Camila can look after herself, I just invited her to have some fun". I weirdly smiled at that, I liked what he said.

"Anyways", Liam whispered and turn back his attention to me. "Are you done, love? Can we leave?"

I checked the hour on my computer and saw that it was actually time to leave but I still had to archive some files I had just printed. The rest of my coworkers were already making their way out.

"Yes, let me just put these documents away and we...". Shawn interrupted me.

"You go, Camila. I can do that".

"Thank you, Shawn", Liam said getting his name right this time. "You're a great friend".

Shawn took the pieces of paper from my desk and held them in his hands before giving me a smile. I smiled back.

"Done. Let's go now". My boyfriend rushed me getting my coat and my purse.

"Alright... Uh, thank you, Shawn. See you tomorrow". I murmured before Liam reminded me to take the flowers he had given me as he was already walking towards the elevator.

"My pleasure. See you tomorrow".

I put a foot in front of the other until I was standing next to Liam waiting for the elevator doors to open. I felt Shawn eyes on me the whole time but I didn't know if that was just my imagination or not. I wasn't feeling bold or confident enought to turn and make sure. When Liam placed his hand on my back I couldn't help but to spring in surprise which made me feel bad. Why all of a sudden my boyfriend's touch was being weird to me?

The moment the doors opened and we went inside the small cubicle, I forced myself to relax. Yes, the situation was a bit weird. Liam had gone out of his element to do that, but wasn't that something I should be happy and grateful about? Why was I overthinking it? I took a deep breathe and tried to exhale all my questions and doubts. Here there was my boyfriend being a gentleman and a sweetheart and he deserved more than what I was giving him. Before the door began to close, I reached for his cheek and brought his face down to kiss him. When I pulled away and opened my eyes, Shawn's face was the last thing I saw before the door closed completely and the elevator started its way down.

He didn't commented on what had happened on the office nor he explained why he had done it. We arrived home and acted like we always did, had dinner, watched TV, brushed our teeth and went to bed. That night we made love because I felt it was the right thing to do for him. He was nice, sweet, quiet and calm and he fell asleep right after. I stared at the ceiling for a couple of hours till I finally could close my eyes.


a/n: Next part coming really soon. Comment and vote please 🥺

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