The building was large and beautiful but she didn't have the luxury to imbibe the sight. If she were here under normal circumstances, she would savor each moment. 

Ifes was abruptly dumbfounded when she saw Becky's oncoming feast hung on air. 

There were other things she noticed as well from her combater,, Becky's body was rigid, eyes and mouth agape,, obviously staring at something that dreaded her. 

Could it be her? no, Becky wouldn't care if she died now. 

Following Becky's gaze, she saw Alexandria on the compound lemon and red marble  struggling for her life. 

Ifes darted her gaze towards Becky as she pointed to Alexandria. "What is wrong with her?" 

"She, she's!"  Unable to elucidate, Becky ran towards her friend. "Get up Alexa!"  Becky spunn her on the floor studying her. "Oh no! you've gotten one of your seizures again?" 

"Seizures?" Ifes asked as she walked towards the duo. "Sorry! is she epileptic?" 

As she darted around, a voice in her head yelled. "And what do you think you are doing? this is the best time for you to escape, come on run girl, run!" 

And she thought of her escape, indeed this was the best time to leave these girls who did her nothing but brought her  harm. 

But the problem was: she was troubled by Alexandria's illness, how could she close her heart to the beckoning that she felt inwardly? 

""Let's take her to the hospital." Ifes said. 

Becky gazed up at her, surprise written all over her face... she wasn't sure if she heard well... maybe she did, but it was certainly not from Ifes, ifes the same person she treated badly. 

Ifes hunkered down beside Alexandria and touched her gently. "Don't worry, you'll be fine okay!"  Lifting up her gaze from Alexa to Becky, she called out to her. "Let's take her to the hospital now!"  

Becky could not stifle her surprise: but did as she was told and both ladies helped Alexa to the backseat of her car. 

"I'm going to get the keys now!"  Becky said as she hurried into the cottage and returned with the car keys almost immediately. 

She entered the driver's seat, slid in the key into the ignition, the engine roared to life and she zoomed off. 

Ifes sat in the back seat with Alexandria's head on her lap as she prayed quietly. 

As Becky entered the hospital's parking lot, she opened the door and without bothering to slam it: she bolted into the hospital entrance door to the lobby. 

Some group of nurses rushed out of the hospital with a stretcher as Becky led the way. 

Seeing Ifes And Becky's state, they brought out two more stretchers and carried both ladies inside the hospital as well. 

Ifes had lost a lot of blood, she felt lifeless as she blacked out again... the next time she woke up, it was in a hospital bed. 

She tried to recall the previous events and how it landed her in a hospital bed, one of the nurses noticed her movement and spoke up. "It's good to see you're awake now, hope you feel better?" The nurse touched her pulse. 

"I guess so, what of Alexandria and Becky? the last thing I remembered was that we were all pulled into a stretcher." 

Yes you were, the police are outside the door, they would like to speak with you." 

Ifes body jerked slightly. "But  why?" 

"They would like to know how you sustained the injuries, can you remember anything that happened before that?" The nurse pointed to the injuries on her arm. how you sustained this?" 

Should she go ahead and tell the cops what happened? She knew it would make them arrest Alexandria and Becky and what next, they might end up in jail for attempted murder or torture, Ifes wasn't sure of the one they wanted to do to her. 

"Umm! Nurse, I don't think I want to remember anything right now." 

"Okay, this means you remember quite alright but you don't want to talk about it?" 

"No, I just don't want to remember and I don't want to talk either." She darted her gaze away from the nurse. "Alexandria and Becky are my friends,  you've got to get us discharged as soon as you are done treating us." 

"But  Miss Ifes,, you can't let the cops go without giving them any valid information about you or your friends, what if your life is in some sort of danger out there?" 

"Do not worry yourself too much nurse, my life is not in any danger." 

The nurse knew she was hiding something from her but decided not to pry again. The nurse touched her brow with her thumb. "Rest now okay, I'll be back." Letting go of Ifes,  She spun around and walked out of her hospital room, the Cops came in shortly after. 

She heard the sound of their shoes louder and louder as they approached her bed. "Good day miss Ifes."  

"Good day officer." Ifes replied. 

"we  got a report that you and two other ladies came into this hospital yesterday badly injured?" 

Oh! she had laid unconscious in the hospital since the previous day? she hadn't even bothered to know what time of the day it was and how long she had laid on her bed. 

"Yes officer."  

"Can you tell us anything about this, did you get into a combat with Becky here?" The officer pointed to Becky. "And  how did Alexandria get involved with the whole thing,  do you also know anything about the epilepsy?" 

"Alright , officer I would admit that we had a misunderstanding and it led to a serious fight but that is just about it." 

"But  you can elaborate more to help us better carry out our job." 

Of course, how beautiful of America to protect the lives of foreigners who were within the confines of their political territory...but Ifes didn't want the cops to carry out their job on her, not to talk of helping them do it better. 

At this point, Becky was certain she was dreaming, it couldn't be... she had expected Ifes to do what she regarded as the needful by blowing up everything so she and Alexandria would prepare to be arraigned in the police net.... But something different was happening here, it was too good to be real. If this was really a dream,Becky wasn't ready to wake up. 

"Alright officer, I appreciate the fact that you're doing your job, but let me tell you that Becky, Alexandria and I friends, we just had some Little Misunderstanding but I don't want to hold it against anyone." 

"Alright,  if you say so." The officer didn't look pleased. 

"Yes,  Officer, friends do disagree right!" 

The police officer nodded his head. "Alright  but we'll keep an eye on you to prevent further recurrence." 


The Link To Light, (Published).Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant