"God Damn it Park Jimin," Yoongi breathed. "What are you doing to me?"


True to his word, Jimin was back in his office at noon with a large coffee in one hand and a stack of papers in the other, with Kimi trailing him. Together, the three of them went over the list of things that needed to get done for the day, including writing up a rough draft of the contract and finalizing the guest list for the dinner event. Yoongi felt extremely drained after the whole ordeal. By that Tim it was nearly three o'clock and with a stern look from Kimi and a pleading one from Jimin, the two employees ordered him home.

"Kimi and I can handle this," Jimin told him as they entered the elevator together. "Go home and sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be worse. Its all about being in the studio and going over everything for TxT's comeback. Don't overwork yourself, it's not healthy."

They rode in silence and Jimin gave him a small goodbye as he exited. Yoongi rode the elevator all the way down to the main entrance and departed for home.

"You look utterly exhausted," Seo-Ah commented as Yoongi trudged into the kitchen. He laughed, opening the fridge and grabbed the water pitcher.

"This is day one of the busiest month of my life," he replied, pouring himself a rather large glass of water. Draining half of it in one go, Yoongi seated himself at the counter.

"Did you eat?"

"Yes, I ate. Jimin threatened to force feed me if I didn't."

"So that's cutie's name," Seo-Ah said, giving Yoongi a devilish look. "I was wondering what it was. Is he the secretary?"

"Not you to," Yoongi said, making a face.

"What? He's good looking,"

"And my secretary. How many times do i need to say that it's unprofessional if we were to date?"

"Isn't Namjoon marrying Jin?"


"And Hobi is dating that cute girl, Rayne?"


"And aren't they trainees?"


"Yoongi," she replied, eyeing him. "Your friends aren't exactly professional when it comes to their relationships, why should you? Besides, it's your company,"

"I am aware but even then, I don't want him to think that I'm using him or anything. And i don't want the media getting all up in his personal life. Jimin is a nice guy. He doesn't need all that. He got enough attention in high school, i think he's sick of it to be honest. He said it was nice to not have a crowd of people catering to his every move anymore."

"Okay, but I can tell that you like him. You should-"

"-try, I know. But now really isn't a good time. With everything that's going on right now..."

"Why don't you ask him to be your date for that event you planned? There's no harm in that."

"You mean other than the fact that there will be a lot of camera's around, watching my every move."

Seo-Ah sighed. "Min Yoongi, you need to stop worry when it comes to your love life. It's about time you settled down and found someone,"

Yoongi sighed in response. "You're not going to let me be if I don't aren't you?"

"Nope. Go get your man,"

again, not really happy with this chapter or the next few to come, but I made a promise to myself to finish this book, and I'm trying to bear with me guys.

also I apologize if the next few chapters seem very repetitive, I'm struggling with getting to the main part that I want to be at, and it feels like I'm rushing their relationship because I'm unsatisfied right now.

do you think Yoongi and Jimin are moving too fast?

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