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Lucy stepped towards Barry and brushed her hand gently on a light bruise that sat on his temple, "Oh my god, Barry, what happened?"

Barry's cheeks flushed again, "I was in a rush and I fell in the shower cause I didn't realize the floor was wet," He grinned goofily and awkwardly at her as Lucy laughed and took his right hand full of bouquets, relieving some of the weight.

"Good thing you heal fast, I'll take these in and then we can get going and hopefully still make it to that art exhibit," Lucy said while making her way back up the stairs only for Genevieve to bust out of the front door with Aspen and Penny tagging along.

"We got this, you guys go!" She said while Aspen took the bouquets out of Lucy's hand and Penny took the one's from Barry's. The girls rushed back in the house and the door shut in front of Lucy's face before she could even blink.

Lucy turned around and chuckled, "Then I guess that's our cue to go!" She said to Barry as he chuckled too.

Barry picked Lucy up in his arms as he got so comfortable doing in the past three months or so and ran the both of them to the alley next to a Big Belly Burger where they composed themselves and proceeded to walk in the direction of the art exhibit.

Lucy reached out to Barry's hand and she intertwined their fingers, latching their hands together in a sweet and shy way. They stayed like this as they entered the spotless white museum-like building where Barry actually remembered the second reason he was here. The slow-mo guy. Turtle, right.

As Barry walked in with Lucy, he noticed two things. One, many people were looking at Lucy and were looking like they were wrapping their conversations up to come over and greet Lucy, and two, Patty Spivot was here in a gold sequinned dress.

Lucy leaned in towards Barry, "I gotta do some standard Rathaway meet and greet stuff. I'll meet you under the doorway entering the big chandelier room in 10 minutes." Lucy said while removing her hand from Barry's and putting on a fake smile.

Barry watched for a moment as Lucy greeted many people who he recognized to be the richest in Central City and even some of the neighboring towns too. Barry smiled as Lucy handled these rich elitist people wearing diamonds upon diamonds very well and then Barry frowned for a moment.

Lucy had to deal with this in her day to day life even after leaving her parent's company and having her own business and life of her own. To these people in the room, she was just the Rathaway Fortune Heiress when she was really so much more, but these people wouldn't care. Barry shook the unwanted and sadder thoughts from his head as he decided to make his way over to Patty who was just admiring some of the art that was displayed on the walls and on pedestals.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here," Barry said while walking up to Patty.

Patty shrugged, "Here on a tip," She replied. After the whole Penny with powers thing happened, Patty and Barry hadn't been as close as they were before. Not that they were entirely close before, but now they kinda just said hellos while passing and that was it.

"Meta-human?" Barry asked while staring at a sculpture of who knows what. His heart was beating fast and he prayed that Patty didn't figure out he was the Flash.

Patty nodded, "Yeah, my tip said he would be here tonight. He apparently can stop time." She elaborated but said no more.

At that moment it took every nerd and geek bone in Barry's body to not blurt out that Turtle could slow downtime, not stop it entirely.

"Hey, Barry. Sorry about that," Lucy said behind him as she snuck up on him before being tracked down by another Rathaway Industries associate.

Barry and Patty turned around to face Lucy and Lucy held out her hand, "Hi, I'm Lucy. Lucy Rathaway."

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