The other kids all grimaced, looking away. They felt pretty bad.

"If it makes you feel better, I got chased by three squirrels because I grabbed one of their acorns by mistake." Hendery chimed in, hearing his friends all laugh.

"Now THAT was comedy." Yangyang said, snickering at the memory.

"Hey it could have been worst. I know my brother got chased by a bear cub." Jeno sighed.

"Oh my god!" They heard a nearby camp counselor say. "You're Johnny's brother!"

"Oh Taeyong Hyung!" Jeno smiled. It was the same counselor that gave him stitches, how did he not remember.

"So many things happened to us that year. I still remember that bear cub..." He sighed, a little sad, hearing everyone chuckle at his remark.

"It was just a bear cub though." Yukhei added.

"Taeil climbed a tree and couldn't get down after for about an hour." Taeyong added, hearing them all giggle.

"It wasn't my fault." They heard the camp counselor say nearby. "It was because Doyoung-"

"This had nothing to do with me. I said I would just leave the arrow in the tree and use another the year we did archery." Doyoung interrupted him.

"You climbed a tree for an arrow?" Hyuck asked Taeil, not believing him.

"Yeah..." He sighed.

"Let's not forget the time when Taeyong got drunk the last night and jumped off the dock to admit he didn't know how to swim." Doyoung added, hearing everyone start laughing with a blushing Taeyong.

"And I thought I was kinda dumb." Jeno whispered, hearing Renjun giggle at his words.

"Whatever. We're almost at the barn, so let's go set up." Taeyong sighed, running to the front of the long trail of high schoolers to open up the barn.

"I think I still have the video." Kun whispered to them all, winking at them and rushing to the front. They all giggled, murmuring what the video might be like.

"Let's sit in the back." Renjun whispered to Jeno. His boyfriend nodded, holding his hand tightly as they made their way to the back of the barn. This way, they could lean on the wall and not be so awkward, sitting up straight and all.

Renjun set up the blankets and pillows the brought as Jeno took out the packs of jellies Renjun stuffed in their bag. They both cuddled close, waiting for the movie to start.

Jeno had an arm around Renjun's shoulders, pulling him in closer to him. They already opened up a bag of jellies, munching on them. Renjun's head leaned on Jeno's shoulder, feeling Jeno's head lean on top of his.

From time to time, Renjun fed Jeno some snacks, giggling afterwards. Hyuck, Jaemin, Jisung and Chenle all made a big collective group to the right of them, leaving some space in between so Jeno and Renjun could have a little more privacy.

Jeno could see the smug smirk on Hyuck's lips, winking at him. He rolled his eyes, nibbling on one of the snacks.

There was a small little booth to the right side of the abandoned barn where Taeyong and Taeil had a small popcorn machine operating, serving them in plastic bowls for kids to grab or refill.

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