Officer :Chapter 9

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I apologise for this chapter as I didn't have a clue if what I was writing is right because I didn't know if this works or if child protection services show up I don't know how this shit works but hey its whatever it doesn't have to be true its a fanfic for fuck sake. This is how it works in this world I guess :/

Americas POV
"C-Can I help you officer" I said look up at the officer. "yes your father UK has been in a accident he was drinking and driving aawhen an accident occurred he was rushed to the hospital but didn't make it. I'm sorry for you loss"
My jaw dropped as I herd that. "I'm going to have to ask you to pack your things as you will be living with your mother" he continued.
"O-Oh ok" was all I could say.

~Time skip to when he packs up~

I had my things packed up which there wasn't alot of only 3 or 4 boxes of stuff. I sat in the back of a police car as They brought me to my mother's house. I was nervous to see her and my brothers again and part of me wondered if she ended up like my father. The drive wasn't as long as I thought it would be and we arrived at about 10pm. I waited in the car as the police officer walked over to the door and knocked on it.
Sorry its short :/
It's really short
Oof the next chapter will be much longer


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