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Family Torn part 2

Elle POV

We arrived at the office and I sent the evidence to be processed while Rossi went and told Hotch what we found.

I picked up the small patchie doll and sighed. "Are you okay?" I turn around and see Derek.

" Yeah, sorry. It just brought back and memories. " I admit to him. Derek nodded and rubbed my shoulder.

"I know exactly how you feel. So let's catch this bastard and make him pay." I nod and gently hit his arm.

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone. Please?" Derek nodded. I smile at him and squeeze past.

Walking into the conference room, I look up at the victim board and begin a profile in my mind.

Perfect picture family on the outside hides abuse and loss. Not so perfect financials, looks like Mr. Brosolf was gonna loose his job.

Mrs. Brosolf was a business owner but her shop was going under so financial issues were beginning to rise.

They were losing their mortgage and child services were regularly checking in on the daughter.

"Their financials were going down the drain. Perhaps the got help from a loan shark? Deal went bad..." I stopped.

"No, that doesn't explain the missing daughter. Can't get a ransome if the parents are broke and dead." I bite my nails.

I dialed Garcia on a landline that was on the table and waited for her answer.

"Garcia, check if there are any sexual offenders in a 5 mile radius of the Brosolf's home." Rossi sees me through the glass and comes in.

"I have 3. Judy Lanslo, Kevin Post and Jared Garner." Garcia spoke. I look back at the crime scene photos. 

"Rossi, A crime like this. The unsub would have priors, right? This can't be his first time." I ask and he nodded.

"Yeah, that fits the profile." He said and called everyone into the room. "Garcia, Does one of them have a record for armed robery or breaking and entering?" I ask.

"Judy and Jared do. Would you look at that, Judy Lanslo is serving her sentence right now. I'm sending Jared Garner's address as we speak." Our PDA's buzzed.

"Thanks baby girl." Morgon ended the call and we got suited up and drove to Jared Garner's house. 

"FBI, OPEN UP!" A load slam was heard and Morgan kicked in the door with Hotch and Emily While Reid, Rossi and I covered the back.

I see a man jump out of a window. "Rossi! He jumped the window!" I run after him and climb a fence. Jumping down and give chase through someones back yard.

He turned the corner and I quickly followed. When I turned the corner the man was completely still and had a gun pointed at me.

I quickly dodge a bullet and roll behind a car for cover. Jared released a few more bullets before running again.

I peak out from the car and take a deep breath before giving chase again. I spot Morgan and Hotch. "He is going down 8th street!" I yell as I run past them.

I hear their footsteps following me and see the suspect trying to jump another fence but he was ripped down harshly by Rossi.

Rossi cuffed Jared and shoved him against a car to pat him down. "I didn't do nothing wrong man! Ouch, these cuffs are too tight!" Jared whined but Rossi ignored him.

Jared was handed off to Reid and Emily as Hotch and Morgan caught up. I leaned against the fence and put my gun into my waist band and sigh softly.

Rossi came up to me a wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back and lingered for a moment before stepping back.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded. "I will be once we find Amy." I look up into his eyes and give him one more quick hug before we got into the car and headed back to the office.

Jared was taken into the integration room and Rossi wouldn't let me sit in on the interrogation because of what happened last time so I watched from behind the glass.

"You understand the you have been read your rights and can have a lawyer present for questioning?" Hotch asked and Rossi sat down in front of Jared.

"I don't need no lawyer, I ain't done nothing!" He yelled and pulled on his cuffs. "Oh, so shooting at a Federal Agent is your way of not doing anything?" Rossi asked. I could tell he was angry.

"I didn't know she was a cop! I got debts I ain't pay! I thought you was them." Jared spoke and his body language showed he was telling the truth.

Rossi looked up at Hotch and he nodded back. Rossi opened the file he had and pulled out a photo of Amy Brosolf and showed it to Jared. 

"Have you seen this little girl?" Hotch asked and took a seat next to Rossi. "No, I ain't ever seen her before!" Jared said defensively but truthfully. 

Rossi and Hotch stood up. "You are under arrest for shooting at a Federal Agent. You might wanna call your lawyer now." Hotch said and they left the room.

I quickly left the observation room and met up with the team in the conference room. "He isn't our unsub. He was seen at a bar at the time of the murder and kidnapping." Reid explained and I nod.

"Yeah, I figured it wasn't him. He is too disorganized and shaky. Probably on something."I tell them and place my hands on the table.

"If we are gonna find this littler girl alive, we need to do it soon." I mumble and rub my face with my hands.

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