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The Divorcees (Part 1)

Elle POV

The smell of roasted coffee beans floated through the small cafe on 12th street in Washington D.C.

Soft jazz music filled my ears as I closed my eyes a took a sip of my latte. A soft clink is heard as my empty glass hits the white china plate.

Setting both down onto the table I slip 2 dollars beneath the plate but leave the tip sticking out enough to be seen by the waiter.

I stand up and scoot the chair silently before grabbing my bags and heading to the soft mahogany doors the cover the cafe's entrance.

Filing out into the busy streets, I am almost whisked out into traffic but I manage to get to the closes train station and make my way down.

As I lean against a large white pillar that's slightly withered by age, I check my watch. Looking up I see the train coming to a stop and make my way on board.

I quickly move to the back and sit down before pulling a book out of my laptop bag and opening it to chapter seven. The Great Gatsby, it is one of my favorite books.

Suddenly a loud clang sounded and I almost jumped out of my seat. I realize that I am at my stop and quickly put away my book and make my way off of the train.

I brush my hair out of my face as the wind picks up on the street and rub my shoulders as I walk up the steps at Quantico.

Before I can remove my hands from my shoulders someone opens the door for me from behind me. I smile up at the tall man and notice he is rather young.

I push my hands into my pockets and head toward the stairs. I pull my bags closer to me and begin jogging up the stairs.

After about 5 minutes I arrive on the appropriate floor and haven't even broke a sweat. Cross country really came in handy for my career choice.

I push through a set of glass doors with the FBI Logo printed on one door and "The Behavioural Analysis Unit" written on the other.

I spot the young man from earlier and smile nervously at him. He smiled and waved back. I tuck my hair behind my ear, a small tick I have obtained.

"Elle Ember?" A male voice called from above. Look up and spot Aaron Hotchner. I pull my bags a little closer and walk up the stairs to his office.

Agent Hotchner sat down behind his desk and motioned for me to sit. I smile softly and sit down in a chair in front of his desk.

"Welcome to the BAU, Elle. Here is your Badge and gun. I see you already have a go back." He said and I nod. "I wanted to be ready sir." I answer him.

"Good. Follow me agent, we have a case. Oh and call me Hotch, not sir." Hotch smiled a little and It shook my nervousness away.

I follow him out of his office and to another room with a round table and everyone was already there.

I sat down in the only chair left which was between a woman with blond and pink hair and the young man from earlier.

The woman smiled at me and I smiled back. "Alright everyone, this is Agent Ember, Ember this is Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, Doctor Spencer Reid, Jennifer Juero and, David Rossi." Hotch introduced everyone.

I wave awkwardly and they all smiled and waved back or said a hello. "Now that we have that covered, lets get to work shall we?" Hotch sat down and Agent Juero stood up.

"Alright. We have 3 murders in Dallas, Texas. Anne Barablo was the first. John Davis the second, and Erin Lorenzo the third." She bagan.

Gruesome photos slid across the screen effortlessly as she spoke. "All victims were stabbed repeatedly and a mask was placed on the faces when their bodies where discovered in a parking garage." I began taking notes as I listened.

"Alright, Thank you JJ. Wheels up in 20."  Hotch said and the room began to disperse. I stood from my chair and carried my bags to the bull pen.

"You can take the desk in front of Dr. Reids." Rossi said and I smiled at him and set my things on my desk.

I put my badge in my back pocket put the gun in the waist band of my pants before picking up my go bag and jogging after the team.

They all got in the elevator and I paused. "C'mon girl, there is enough room." Derek teased.

I bite my lip and step back. "I will take the stairs." I say and head down the stairs.

I meet everyone down in the lobby and we take 2 black SUVs to the private airfield and get on the jet. I hand a man my bag and he put it in the back.

I waited for everyone to sit down and bit my lip before finding a seat for myself.

The jet rumbled to life and began to lift into the air. I closed my eyes and felt my nails dig into my skin. I began to pray silently.

After mouthing my prayer, I open my eyes and see Reid and Rossi starring at me.

I blushed lightly at the attention and Rossi smiled at me while Reid looked away quickly.

Hope You Enjoy.

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