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Family Torn part 1

Elle POV

My phone alarm jolted me awake at 7am. I lazily got up, showered and got ready for the day. My phone buzzes and I check it.

David- We got a case. Need a ride to work?

I smile and grab my go bag and start unpacking the dirty clothes and pack some clean clothes.

Elle- Yes, Thank you. I don't have a car yet. I am still new to Washington D.C. 

I smile and pull my go bag over my shoulder when he texted back "Yes, Of course." I put my phone in purse before taking the stairs down to the lobby.

Rossi's car pulls up and I got in and looked over into his eyes. "Good morning." I smile and lean over for a kiss.

He happily kisses me and we head to the office. On the way there I turned on the radio and sympathy of the devil played and we sang along together

We walk inside hand in hand and get into the elevator. Derek and Reid manage to get in before the doors close and see out hands.

Derek grinned and Reid smiled. "Congratulations, Don't let Hotch see you two." Derek teased. My eyes widened and I look up at Rossi startled.

He squeezed my hand and smiled down at me. "Calm down, doll. I've already talked to him. He said he was happy for us but no PDA." Rossi explained as the elevator doors opened.

I nod and squeeze his hand tightly before letting go and pushing the big glass doors open. Reid and I walk in but Derek and Rossi lagged behind talking.

I see the girls and they grin at me and quickly pull me away from a very confused Doctor. "So how did it go!?" Garcia asked. I smile and JJ and Emily grin at me.

"Really well. He asked me out and I said yes. Apparently Hotch knows and said that it's fine but we need to go sign some paperwork." I leave out the part where we made out on my couch.

"Excuse me ladies. Elle, Hotch needs us." I  nod and trail after him before turning around and see the girls giving me a thumbs up.

I turn back around as we jog up the stairs to Hotch's office. We sign some paperwork and Hotch tells us congratulations before we head into the conference room to hear about out new case.

I sat beside Rossi and Derek took my old seat. Maybe that's what they were talking about. I shake my thoughts and look up at JJ.

"Alright. This case is from right here in D.C. Elaine and her husband Kevin Brosolf were murdered execution style in there home and their 8 year old daughter, Amy Brosolf was kidnapped." She said.

"Amy's grandmother is apart of the senate and chose us to investigate and find her granddaughter." JJ finished and we all nod and look at our files.

"Rossi and Elle go to the crime scene and see if you can find anything that will point to where she is. JJ and I will talk to the grandmother while Derek and Reid go talk to the school councilor and her friends." Everyone began dispersing.

Rossi and I took his car and headed to the crime scene. We arrived at the scene and noticed that one end of the house was burned.

"Let's home that isn't the little girls room." Rossi said and we hopped out and walked into the house. "I'll check the little girl's room if you check the parents." I ask and he nods.

Turns out the burned room did belong to the little girl. A few photos and notebooks survived the fire, Her computer barley survived and a few more things did.

I look at the partially burned posters and find them to be average for a young girl. A small box of toys are badly burned but some still look intact.

I slip on a pair of gloves and find a mutilate patchie doll. "Damn it." I mumble and bag the toy. A mutilated doll usually means the kid was abused or molested. 

Walking up to a destroyed wooden desk, I bend down and pick up some partially burned photographs. Some where of the family and some of Amy and another little girl with jet black hair.

I push through the rubble and find some music tapes. Katy Perry, Kids Bop and Taylor Swift. Looking through the disks I see one is missing but a strange DVD is in it.

I bag the tapes in case they are all different and set them on a table that survived. Something catches my eye from underneath the bed. I get down on my knees and grab it.

It was a shiny diamond ring, A real one. Who gives an 8 year old a real diamond ring? and how did it get underneath her bed. It doesn't look like its ever even been worn.

I get back onto my feet and hear someone behind me. I turn around and see that it is Rossi. "Hey, I found some weird stuff." I bag the ring. 

"Is it just me or does that poster look a bit... bumpy?" Rossi asked and I looked over. I walked up to the poster and feel it. "Something is behind this." I say and pull it down. 

Rossi pulls a small box out of the wall and sets it down on the bed. He opens it and soft music plays. "Why hide a music box?" I ask and notice that it says 'It's a boy!' On the box.

"The report only said they had a daughter. Who's is this? The father's?" I ask Rossi and he shook his head. "The tune is from 1996. The father would have been to old for a music box by then."

Rossi said and I bit my lip. "Call Garcia, Maybe they had a miscarriage?" Rossi agreed and called her before putting it on speaker phone.

"How is my ship sailing this morning?" She sang. "What does that even mean?" Rossi asked. "Nothing! Don't worry about it. Hey Garcia, Can you check if the Brosolf's had more than 1 kid. Maybe a miscarriage?" I asked.

"Yes I can and I am..." There was a pause that was filled with tapping on a keyboard before she spoke again. "Yes there was. Poor little guy never had a chance. Trauma to Elaine's stomach caused it." She explained.

"Alright, Thanks Garcia." I say and Rossi hangs up. "Maybe Mrs. Brosolf was abused?" I ask and collect the evidence I bagged before heading back to the office.

American-Italian LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon