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His place

Elle POV

(English translation)

A soft gasp escaped my lips and they parted slightly as I looked up into David's eyes. He smirked and pinned my hands above my head and scanned my body.

"I think I like you in this position, Doll." He teased and I giggled. David leaned down and kissed my lips passionately. 

A soft moan escaped my body and I blushed deeply. David pulled me up and I giggled. I stepped away and found Maggie.

I pack up some food and a water bowl for her along with some of her favorite toys and her dog bed.

"Got every thing?" Rossi asked and I nod. "Yeah, I believe so. Oh, and i'm taking the stairs!" I tell him.

David smiled and kissed me before grabbing my bags. I huffed playfully and take Maggie down the stairs.

I get down and look behind me to see David on the last step. "David? Why did you take the stairs?" I ask him confused.

"I wasn't gonna take the elevator while you walked down 3 flights of stairs, Elle." I blushed and gave him a hug.

"You are so sweet, David." I mumble into his chest before pulling away and walking to his car. Rossi set my things in the trunk and I got into the front with Maggie.

She sat down in the floor board and rested her face on my knee. I smile and gently pet her head. "I love you, baby girl." I whisper and lean down to kiss her nose.

I hear a slight huff from beside me and see David pouting. I burst into laughter and leaned over to kiss his nose. "I love you too." I smile.

David grinned and started the car before driving to his house. We arrived sooner that I had thought and David insisted on getting my bag again.

I open my car door and Maggie jumped out and began sniffing everything in her sight. I smile lovingly at her before turning my loving gaze to David who is currently fighting my bag.

I snort and jog up to him, pulling my strap off of the trunk handle. "What would you do without me?" I tease and David grinned.

"I would surely die." He teased back. I lean up and kiss his cheek before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards his door.

"Your house is very pretty." I admit as we get inside and he carried my bag to his room. I smile brightly and let Maggie off of her leash.

"Be a good girl, Maggie." I kneel down and pet her head. She let me for about a minute before running off to smell every thing that Rossi owned.

I stand up and go to look for Rossi. I find him in the kitchen and let out a small gasp. "Oh my gosh, It's so beautiful David!" I gushed and looked around the kitchen.

"Not  as beautiful as my current view." He said. I turn to look at him confused before blushing deeply. "No wonder you are an author, You have a way with words." I say.

I see some wine and David catches me looking at it. "Want some?" He asked and opened the cabinet. I smile and shrug my shoulders.

"I wouldn't mind some, You choose though cause I have no idea how to pronounce the names." I admit and he chuckled.

"I should teach you some Italian, il mio dolce amante" (My sweet lover) He whispered in my ear and popped the cork of a new wine bottle.

I blushed deeply and realized I was clutching his shirt. "Shit, S-sorry." I stutter. This made David chuckle.

"You are so cute when you are flustered." He teased me and poured us two glasses of wine. David set the bottle down and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Tell me, love. Do you dance?" He asked and I giggle softly. "I am not nearly drunk enough for the confidence yet but yes, I do enjoy dancing." I admit to him.

David kissed my hand and left to find some music. I picked up a wine glass and sipped on it before walking into the living room.

I scan the room before walking up to the window and looking outside. I look up at the sky and feel a warm tear fall down my cheek.

"Mama, I think I have found the one. He's Italiano, your favorite." I smile and feel and hand on the small of my back. I turn around slightly startled.

David smiled at me and leaned down. He gently kissed my tear away and then kissed my lips. "I think I have found the one as well, Il mio amore." (My love.)

I blushed deeply, knowing what that meant. "I think I love you David." I whisper softly. He smiled and his eyes shined.

"I know I love you, Elle." He said and took my wine glass from my hand before picking me up and carrying me to his room.

David set me down on the bed and turned on some soft music. I smile up at David and pull him down onto the bed before crawling on top of and kissing him.

David wrapped his arm around me and I moaned softly as his other hand gently rubbed my thigh. I slowly pulled away from his lips and laid next to him.

"Let's get some sleep. We have the whole day tomorrow." I whisper in his ear and he agreed. "Alright, you can change in the bathroom if you'd like." Rossi offered and I smiled.

I think I'll change right here if you don't mind." I tease and David bit his lip and shook his head. "I do not mind at all, La mia piccola presa in giro sexy." (My sexy little tease) Rossi whispered huskily.

I blush and face away from Rossi before stripping to my underwear and bra. I slowly take of my bra teasingly and slip on a long shirt that just barley covers my butt.

I put my bra and clothes from today in a small plastic bag and set them beside my Go-bag. Turning around I catch Rossi in his Boxers and he is taking off his shirt.

My eyes widen and he catches me staring. He grinned at me and pulled the blankets down a little before pulling me into bed with him.

I happily cuddle into Davids's strong arms and smile as our skin brushed together. David rests one hand under my shoulder and the other on my thigh. 

I blush and rest my hands on his chest. David pulls the covers over us and we soon fall into a peaceful sleep together.

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