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The Divorcees part 2

Elle POV

It took about 4 hours to arrive and get set up at the Dallas police station. Hotch and JJ got set up at the police station.

Rossi and Derek went to interview a witness and Reid and I went to the latest crime scene.

I drove the rental car up to the 3rd level of a parking garage before parking and heading up to the dump site with Dr. Reid.

"You two must be the FBI profilers. I am Detective Marshal Hill." I shook his hand and Reid waved.

"Nice to meet you detective, I'm Agent Ember and this is Dr. Reid. What do you have so far?" I asked and took a look at a tarp covered mound.

Reid and the detective began talking so I squatted down and pulled on some gloves before pulling the tarp down to examine the body.

Erin's face was covered with a broken mask and she was repeatedly stabbed. "There is so much overkill. I don't see any shallow wounds to suggest remorse or regret." I spoke up.

"The mask. Its uh, from the phantom of the opera." Reid began. "The mask is a symbol for hiding your worst from others." I cut him off and stand up.

Looking to my left I see the word "Deceit" written in blood on the concrete pillar. "The unsub saw his victims as sinners, they were hiding something from the world." I finish.

I bite the inside of my cheek and turn back to the body. Reid looks at me shocked for a moment before the detective spoke up.

"The other crime scenes had words like that written in the victims blood. Liar, falsifier, now deceit." Marshal told us before walking up to another man in a suit.

"You like the Phantom of the Opera?" Reid asked quietly. I look up and smile at him. "I love it." I respond and stand up.

"I think we have everything here. Let's head back to the team." I nod my head and drive the two of us back to Dallas headquarters.

Once we got inside, Reid told Hotch what we found at the scene and soon Rossi and Derek got back as well. 

"Okay, Let's look at what we have." Hotch sat down in a chair and I walked up to a white board and uncapped a green marker. 

"The stab wounds show no signs of remorse. Ember noted that the Phantom of the Opera is to convey that the victims were sinners, deceivers." I drew as he spoke talked.

"We talked to the families and it turned out that all victims were married and then divorced." JJ spoke up. 

"Perhaps the unsub was divorced? Wife took everything?" Derek asked and picked up a file.

"I don't think the gender means anything." I tell them and grab a file for myself.

As I'm looking through the file, Detective Marshal came into the room. "Guy's we just got a hit on Erin's credit card. It was used at Merrian Bay hotel." He began.

"We also have a man reported missing. He is divorced and young, fits your profile." Marshal said and Hotch stood up.

I set my file down. "Rossi and Ember you're with me. Derek, JJ and Reid go to the house see if you can profile Murry Daniels. Let's go." I quickly follow Rossi to the car.

Outside of the Hotel, Rossi and I stood outside of room 3 while Hotch kicked down the door. I Cover Rossi and Hotch as they check the room and bathroom.

"Clear, Nobody is here." Hotch said and Rossi put his gun back into his waistband.  I hear a gasp behind me and quickly point my gun to find a man already running away. 

I quickly give chase and jumped the the rail of a staircase to tackle the man. I cuff him and read his Miranda rights. Soon Hotch and Rossi was by my side, Hotch taking the man to the car.

As I stood up and began walking to the car, Rossi grabbed my hand causing me to stop. I look up at him and find myself starring into his eyes.

"You shouldn't have chased after him like that. You could have gotten hurt, Elle." I noticed that he used my first name.

A spark light up in my stomach suddenly. My head buzzed in a delightful way. "S-sorry Agent Rossi." My nervous stutter finally showed and I groaned.

"Damn it." I mumble. Rossi smiled down at me and let go of my hand. "Just be more careful next time." I nod and we head to the car.

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