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The Divorcee part 3

Elle POV

A loud knock on my door woke me up. "Shit. What time is it?" I mumble to myself. I jump out of bed and get ready.

Leaving my hotel room I find Rossi On his phone beside the elevator. I smile nervously at him and he grinned back at me.

"Has the new case been confirmed? Do we have a new possible victim?" I ask as we step into the elevator.

"Yes. His name is Murry Daniels, 23 years old and divorced. I didn't mean to startle you by the way." Rossi admitted and I looked up at him confused.

Then it dawned on me. "Oh! You are the one who knocked on my door. No, you didn't startle me. I had just fallen asleep that's all." The elevator doors opened and we stepped out.

Rossi drove and I sat in the passenger seat in the rented black SUV. "Just fell asleep? Are you having trouble sleeping?" He asked and I bit my lip, looking out the window.

"Oh uh... I have insomnia... It's not a big deal, don't worry about me." I send him a smile and he smiled back at me before parking in front of the police station.

Once we got inside I made a B-line for the coffee machine and poured myself a cup. Setting it down on the desk I begin working.

"Hmm... The unsub uses a secondary location before dumping the bodies in a parking garage. There has to be a connection." I tap my pen on the file.

Picking up my file and notice my team in the bullpen and head in there. I realize they are giving the profile.

"We are looking for a man in his late 30's. This man is impotent and likely divorced. He lives in Dallas and is very average. He may feel invisible due to his job." Hotch explained.

The local cops began asking questions and the team answered them but I stayed quiet. Something sparked in my brain and I quickly left the room and called Garcia.

"Welcome to the answer to your dreams, How may I help you?" Garcia spoke and I smiled. "Garcia, Could you run our profile against all divorced males living in..." I pause.

I look at the comfort zone that Reid drew. "Irving?" I ask and I hear tapping on her keyboard. I put her on speaker phone as the team walked into the room.

"What is it, Elle?" Derek asked me. "I don't think our unsub lives in Dallas. He is organized so why would he kill inside his comfort zone?" I ask them and Reid quickly went to his map.

"I found someone! Daren Brook, and would you look at that. He is a divorce councilor." Garcia spoke up. "He would have access to his victims." Emily spoke and Rossi agreed.

"Address?" Hotch spoke into my phone. "Already sent to your PDA's." She said. "Good job babygirl." Derek said and I hung up my phone.

"Good work, Agent Ember." Hotch said. "Alright. Suit up, Let's go pick up this guy" He said and we began putting on our bullet proof vests and heading out to the SUVs.

Soon we arrive outside of the counselors office and Derek kicks down the door. "FBI!" Hotch yelled and I went in last to see Daren Brook and another man with their hands up.

Reid cuffed him. The man he was with began talking. "What charges are you arresting him for? I demand to know, I am his lawyer!" He followed us back to the station in his own red Ferrari.

Once we got him into the interrogation room the lawyer was relentless and managed to get into the room before we could question our suspect.

We regrouped back into the conference room that we were using as our office. I starred out of the window as they spoke and Rossi noticed.

"What's got you so hung up Elle?" He asked. biting my lip I turned around. "This makes no sense. Why was his lawyer already there? I asked both of them separate and they answered differently." I explain.

"That is Odd..." Hotch said. "Can Garcia look into their past and see if perhaps they know each other more personally than as lawyer and client?" I ask the group and Derek called her.

"Talk to me." She said and I chuckled. "Hey babygirl, Can you look into Daren Brook and Joesph Walker, see if they know each other more than professionally?" Derek asked.

"I will leave no leaf not stone un-turned." A click was heard and then the dial tone rang. He flipped his phone closed and I was handed two files by an officer. 

Opening the files I set them on the table for everyone to see. "They are both divorced." JJ noticed. "Look they had the same ex-wife." I point to both files and Rossi hovered over me slightly.

I blushed and looked down to hide my face but JJ and Emily grinned at me. I wave them off and calm myself down before Rossi's breath hit my neck as he spoke.

"Wait, Think about it. It all adds up, We have two unsubs. We have a team." I shivered lightly and I swear Rossi smirked when he moved away.

"That actually fits. I think they are the unsubs." Reid agreed. Marshal came into the room and clicked the phone on the table. "Garcia is on line 2." He said before leaving.

"Whatcha got Garcia?" I ask. "The two attended the same summer camps and had the same Ex-Wife." Garcia spoke. "We can get their DNA and test it against the fingerprint we found in the blood." Hotch said.

"If it belongs to Daren we can likely get him to turn on Joesph and find Murry before it is too late." Derek crossed his arms. "Rossi and Ember, Go get the sample." Hotch said and began giving the others commands.

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