1. Americano

849 20 2

Yet another horrendous day. My boss is awful and I really want to tell him to go to hell, but I need the money. I have class tomorrow and I need to finish my assignment. Walking home, I listen to my playlist on Spotify and get lost in my thoughts. I'm on a mission not to get distracted by the beauty of the city. It's hard work as I can see the street lights shining against quirky architecture, making shades and telling stories. No! I need to go home... assignment... bed!

By the time I reach the house it's about 11pm. I'm trying not to make too much noise but the gate just squeaks every time. I get in and head to the kitchen quietly. He left some stew for me, bless him. I don't even warm it up, I'm so hungry, I just eat it cold. I sneak to my bedroom and finish my assignment. It's 2am by the time I am done, and after a quick clean, my fried brain hits my pillow and I'm out!

M: Wake up sunshine! You have school today kiddo!

Y: Don't talk to me like I'm a kid. I'm nearly graduating from University for the love of god! I'm 23! I mumble my head still under my duvet.

M: Okay, okay, he says defensively. Get ready lazy bones! Is that better?

Y: I work a job as well as my own photo stuff and go to Uni! You call me lazy bones! I bark now irritated.

M: Blimey, someone's in a bad mood today...

Y: ...Sorry, I didn't sleep enough.

M: Go get yourself breakfast.

Y: Yes dad!

M: I don't think dad would like you calling me "dad".

Y: Well you're more of a dad than he's ever been so...

M: You know he tried right?

Y: Oh yeah sure he tried... I say with a sarcastic tone. Right before he left us to live another life with another family. And don't get me started on the number of times I got my hopes up that he actually cared about us and loved me.

M: Right. There are pastries for breakfast. I thought you needed a treat because you've been working so hard.

And with that, I stood on my bed, jumped off and gave Mingyu a big hug. He embraced me in his big bro's arms and my grumpiness just disappeared. It's true he'd looked after me since we were kids and he taught me hard work and gratitude. All these hours he worked, so that he could send me to University, it showed me great values and who I wanted to become. I love my family, well I love my brother, he's my only real family. The others are a bunch of no show, selfish, waste of time. I am still a bit of a wild child but I'd like to think he taught me good values.

I go to my class and hand out my assignment, speak to a few of my friends while grabbing a sandwich and then head out to work. I work eight hours shifts everyday in a café in the trendy area of the city. Customers are really nice and tip often, which is a bonus, but my boss is a dick. It is what it is, I just have to cope with it. But my last year at university finishes in 2 months and after I graduate, and as soon as I make enough money as a photographer, I get hired or get a proper gig, I quit. I will tell him what I think about him then, for the sake of any future employees.

I know he's scared of me, he's an ignorant bureaucratic dick face, who doesn't know anything about catering but saw an opportunity when the area became popular. Too much? Maybe, I'm like that.

Anyway, today is like any other day, except that I've spotted that guy on the terrace moving awkwardly. I'm going out to serve him and notice, he has a pushchair he's trying to fit between the chairs and a little baby. Aww she's so cute!

I approach him while he tries to calm down his little princess.

Y: Hello, what would you like to order?

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