Sakusa groaned before walking into the locker room, Y/N took this as an opportunity to go ask those girls what they want.

The youngest manager made her way over to the girl, gossiping on the bleachers and every so often looking at Y/N. 'I see, their talking about me huh?' She thought to herself, now about 5 feet away from the bleachers.

Y/N put on a fake smile "Hello! I came her to politely ask why you guys are looking at me, do you need anything?" She questioned them. The leader of the group- well she supposed the leader, looked her up and down and gave her a disgusted smile.

"No, we don't need anything from you" she spat, Y/N felt a ping of anger in her stomach. "Well, I don't have to be nice if I don't want to, care to explain your rudeness?" Y/N asked, fluttering her eyelashes at them.

"Ugh, just leave us alone. Attention seeker." One of the other group members retorted, Y/Ns facial expression changed rather fast. "We don't want a robber over here... " another one spat, Y/N cocked her head in confusion "what do you mean, 'robber'?" She questioned them. "You're stealing our Sakusa away. Brat." The leader snarled, Y/N looked at them with wide eyes till her face changed once more. Now she was angry.

"Alright, listen here you little sh-" "What's going on?" An all to familiar voice interrupted. The girls all gasped and looked directly behind Y/N, "What business do you have pissing her off?" The black-haired male placed a hand on the girls shoulder.

"U-uhm n-nothing Sakusa-sempai!" The leader of the girls squawked.

"Yeah, we weren't doing anything!" Another girl spoke, "Tch..." Y/N clicked her tongue "yeah like you weren't being rude, assholes.." she grumbled.

Sakusa squeezed the girls shoulder and bent down to whisper in her ear "I don't want to make a scene, Short stuff. so can we walk away now...?" he whispered, Y/N let out a sigh then nodded.

"don't disrupt us ever again." He glared at the girls before walking away with Y/N, once he said bye and headed back to his practice Kira turned towards Y/N. "What was that?" She asked, Y/N shook her head and dryly laughed "Saku-sans fangirls getting jelly over how close we are, saying mean things then Sakusa saving me." Y/N laughed.

Kira shook her head, "You two are crazy.." she giggled. "What makes you think that?" Y/N asked, "just my thinking.." Kira replied Y/N let out an unsatisfying grunt and slouched down on the bench. Kira let out a sigh seeing your actions.

{ time skip }

"Hey, Y/N-chan I have a test coming up...can I come study at your house? It's fine if you don't want to considering your cousins.." Sakusa asked Y/N wiping his head with a towel, Y/N looked at the boy "Really, I have a test coming up I suppose that we can study together...I'll just have to make Atsumu let us. Osamu honestly is going to be curious, he won't care." She said with a smile.

He faintly smiled back at the girl before walking to go change. "Would you look at that!" Kira shouted, "Awe shut up!" Y/N shouted back at the other manager.

{ time skip to walking to Y/Ns house ;) }

{ 1st person }

I looked at his hand, dangling at his side. Not the one to say but, they weren't as calloused as a normal volleyball players.

They looked soft, warm...I found my hand slowly moving up to his, grabbing in in a firm hold. Intertwining our fingers. He looked down at me and I hid the blush on my face. His hand squeezed back and held on tight to mine.

It felt like he liked the feeling.

Before I realized we where at my door already. I took out my key and unlocked it, our hands coming out of each other's grasp.

I opened the door "I'm home, I brought a guest." I spoke walking in, Osamu was just coming down stairs with Atsumu. "Oh, hey.." Atsumu said with not his usual tone looking at Sakusa, Osamu did and faint bow "were studying upstairs." I said.

"Keep the door open!" The twins said at the same time, me and Sakusa already halfway up the stairs. "Sure thing idiots." I said back we walked down the hallway in silence: awkward silence.

We eventually made it to my room, I held the door for him He seemed to walk in happily? I left it open, considering the fact that if I didn't Atsumu would get in through the window to make sure where not doing anything weird.

"So, what's your test on shortie?" Sakusa asked, we rather in my mind now i call him Kiyoomi asked. "Maths, I absolutely hate maths..." I sighed, "mines on math also." He replied pulling out his notebook for his math class.

I got up for a second reaching for my speaker "hey, can I play some music?" I asked him, Sakusa nodded "sure, who are we listening to?" He asked as I sat down next to him.

"girl in red, her music helps me to be honest" I replied.

(A/N: fun fact, the artist girl in red actually does help me when I'm upset so...if you don't like her I'm sorry :(, she also writes music about lgbtq :) )

We studied while listening to music, Osamu and Atsumu came upstairs to 'check on us' a couple times. A few "can you help me on this one?"s where shared, laughs, smiles, something rare to see Sakusa doing.

Even a couple of deep conversations, I learned about what he has been dealing with at home, to be honest I could have asked him if he wanted to stay with us because we have an extra room. I actually wanted to ask him to stay with us but I didn't have the courage to do that.

We talked about my past with my parents, he seemed to understand, I ended up resting my head on his shoulder through the whole conversation. Which surprisingly he didn't push me off and say something along the lines of "ew germs!" And that made me rather happy.

And I learned one thing out of place...

I liked him more than a friend.
He, I'm sure doesn't like me, but that's okay.

Next thing I knew, I was asleep, not sure if he went home or not.



And what made me so fluffy is the song 'watch you sleep.' that is actually by girl in red :)

(I am think of putting the lyrics in my next chapter so plz go listen to the song if u haven't already UwU)

I hope u liked it (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ♡︎

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