Chapter Forty Two: Ryloth Pt. 3

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(OKAY, QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE. So I'm doing a fanart on my book, so if you see a chapter titled 'random images', all my art work, none of them are from other artists. I'm also going to be making a book cover, so the one I have now is a temporary one. I've been working on this book cover for a while and I think you guys might like it once it's done. If you want me to draw you a book cover, feel free to pm me your book title and your ideas. Okay, that's it!)


"Where do we go from here?" Waxer asked as Valerie shook her head

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"Where do we go from here?" Waxer asked as Valerie shook her head. "I'm not sure. Maybe we should just keep going until we hear Master Kenobi or any of the other troopers." She replied before the Twi'lek girl grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Copy that, ma'am."

"Just call me Valerie, Boil. I don't mind." Valerie said as they continued on. As they walked farther and farther away from the tunnel that led to the Twi'lek girl's home, they heard blaster fire and quickly ran to the sound of it. "It's them!"

"How do you know?" Waxer asked as Valerie looked back at him. "Um, hello! Who else is the droids fighting?!"

"Well, let's go!" Boil exclaimed as the four of them burst from under the street and looked to see that Obi-Wan and his men were fighting, but not the droids. Valerie saw the same creatures from before. She whipped out her lightsaber, preparing to fight.

"Valerie! Good, you're here!" Obi-Wan blurted as Valerie ran up and kicked one of the creatures hard in the face, knocking it out instantly. "Good to see you're alive too, Master Kenobi!"

"Listen, remember what I trained you back when I took you to Lothal?" He asked as Valerie and himself avoided another creature which was shot down by Cody and another clone trooper.

"Yes! So?"

"Thinking you can handle it this time?!" He asked as Valerie looked at him, as if he was crazy. She remembered the many times that she had failed when trying to connect with the Loth-cats. Besides, she tried to accomplish that not too long ago, and got a different result.

"Master, I'm not sure.."

"Don't worry, Valerie! I'll be doing it with you! But, we have to stop them now!" Obi-Wan shouted as Valerie hesitantly nodded. Both of them retracted their lightsabers and had concentrated all their thoughts on the creatures.

The men had battled the creatures for a minute before the creatures suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, quickly turning their heads to look at both of the Jedis.


"Quiet, soldier." Cody whisper shouted as himself and the men watched in awe as the creatures began to follow the Jedi when they started to back up.

"You're doing good, Valerie." Obi-Wan whispered as Valerie nodded, not losing focus at no point. The creatures continues to follow them to a canyon. Obi-Wan began to struggled with keeping his focus with all the creatures, however, he was surprised when he looked down and saw that Valerie was still keeping focus, trailing the creatures in and farther in until they were far enough inward that they couldn't escape.

"Shoot...the..canyon!" Valerie strained out as Obi-Wan looked at Cody. "Shoot the rocks! Now!"

"But, sir-"

"DO IT!" Valerie screamed from afar as Cody quickly ordered his men to shoot at the canyon, which they did. When they did, rocks began to fall on top of the creatures, some were enclosed with Valerie and she quickly lost her focus, jumping up straight in the air when she did, just in time to see the creatures try to claw at her.

Her body began to glow as she flew higher enough. She looked down and saw that Obi-Wan and the others were looking around for her. She smirked before she flew down, landing behind Obi-Wan with a loud thud.

Obi-Wan jumped up when he heard it and quickly turned to see Valerie standing behind him, her arms folded and a wide smirk was on her face.

"By the Force, Valerie, you scared me!" Obi-Wan exclaimed as Valerie rolled her eyes. "That was the idea, Master Kenobi."

"Well, I can't be too upset, you did a wonderful job. I thought you were struggling. I sure was."

"Hey, Master. I may have had it, but that doesn't mean I wasn't struggling, too." Valerie admitted before he patted her shoulder. "Well, you did an amazing job. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Master."

"Here you go, Blondie. You dropped this." Cody said while handing her her lightsaber. "Thanks, Cody. We better get moving if we're going to find the Twi'lek people." Valerie said as she looked back at Obi-Wan.

"Indeed. Let's hurry." Obi-Wan acknowledged before he walked away, leaving Valerie and Cody by themselves.

"Hey, good to see you're alright, Blondie. You had me worried for a moment there." Cody admitted while gently grasping Valerie's shoulder blade.

"Yeah, I thought I was a goner for a moment too. But, you want to know what kept me going?"


"You guys. You're all family to me. I think you all would be devastated with me gone. And it would pain me to watch it. You guys are what keeps me going every day." Valerie said while looking up at Cody. Cody quickly took his helmet off, tucked it under his left arm before using his right arm to wrap around Valerie.

She smiled before hugging him back. It was a quick hug, but it was comforting for them both. Valerie smiled brightly at him before he ruffled her hair.

"Come on, kid. The General's waiting." Cody said with a gentle smile as he threw his helmet back on and the two of them walked to catch up with Obi-Wan and the others.

(Okay, before anyone says anything: No, I'm not making this a love triangle between Rex, Cody, and Valerie. Valerie and Cody going to have a type of brother/sister relationship. Like Valerie and Fives. There's only going to be a love relationship between Valerie and Rex. That's it. So, no comments like 'But I thought Valerie was going to be with Rex'  or anything like that. This is an explanation and this is the only explanation I'll give. Thanks for reading, though! 😁)

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