Chapter Nine: Take Back

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"Hey, let me go, you piece of scrap metal! Wait till my master gets here, you'll be dead before you could run!" I shouted while I faked my struggle against the "clone imposter"

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"Hey, let me go, you piece of scrap metal! Wait till my master gets here, you'll be dead before you could run!" I shouted while I faked my struggle against the "clone imposter".

"Where did you find this Jedi?" One of the commando droids said as it approached us. "I found her with the others."

"You sound funny.." The droid said before I quickly brought out my lightsaber and slashed at the droid, watching as it fell to the ground with it's head cut off. "Good job, Blondie."

"Thanks, Rex. Okay, let's do this." I mumbled before I levitated the head towards me. When we got towards the entrance, Rex had knocked on the door with the butt of his blaster before a screen projector. "Unit 2-6, is that you?"

"Roger, roger." Rex said as I tried my best not to laugh. I heard something like take off your helmet and Rex quickly ducked down and gave me the signal to hold the head in place. I levitated the head towards him and he quickly took it and placed back in the spot. There was a click before the doors opened. Rex had pointed his blaster at the other droids who had backed away when seeing him. But not before saying,

 But not before saying,

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"Roger, roger." He had blasted them before I came from my hiding spot and looked at the dead droids. "Okay, I'm impressed."

Rex chuckled before we both moved the droids out of sight. "Guys! Come on, let's move!" I whisper shouted, but loud enough for the others to hear before the other four came running up to us.

"What's the plan, sir?" Fives asked as Rex looked back at him. "Just knock out those clankers and you'll be alright, kid." Rex said before another door opened and more droids came through. "Okay, guys. Hold your position!"

The droids began to fire and I deflected the shots as best as I can. I heard one shot hit something and I looked back slightly to see Commander Cody was down. "Commander Cody! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, Kid! Just a scratch!" I sighed before I ran up to the droids and cut a couple of them in half. Before I could make another move, a droid had knocked me to the ground, also causing me to release my grip around my lightsaber. "Damn it!"

I quickly grabbed a nearby blaster from a clone trooper who I guess was already dead from the earlier attack. I fired at the droids until the last one went down, breathing fast and heavily as I let the blaster hung loosely in my hands. "You alright, Kid?" I heard Fives ask me as I nodded and looked back at him.

"It's my first time using a blaster.. I think I did good." I joked as I let out a small laugh. "Heh. Yeah, you did really good for a Jedi."

"Padawan, Fives. Padawan." I corrected with a smile before Rex came up behind us both. "Hey, if you two are done chit-chatting, we need to secure this room before more droids come after us."

"Right. Echo, Hevy, are you two having any luck with knocking out the all-clear signal?" I asked as I approached the control panel. "No. They must of did something to it because we can't shut it off manually." Echo replied as I sighed. "Well, there's only one thing left to do.."

I looked over at Rex and Commander Cody. They must have got the memo. Rex looked at Fives before asking, "Do you guys hold any explosives?"

"Explosives, sir?"

"Yeah. We're going to have to knock this bad boy out." Rex explained as Fives quickly took off his helmet. "Sir, with all due respect, our duty is to protect the outpost, not blow it up."

"I know it's not an easy task, Fives.." I began as I brought myself in between the conversation. "But we need to get word to the Jedi that something is wrong. I know you want to stay true to your duty. Trust me, I do, too. I didn't want to come out here in first place, but I did because I chose to go. If something went wrong, I wanted to watch my team's back because I wanted to. I need you to do the same. I need you to follow us on this so we can get out of here alive."

My words must have really got to him because he was speechless. But not in a bad way, it was more like he was taking what I was saying into consideration. He straightened his stature before he nodded to me. "Waiting for your command, sir!" He acknowledged to Rex as Rex gave a curt nod.

"Alright, now, those explosives.." Rex began as Fives s scratched the back of his neck. "Well, sir, the explosives we do have, they're not enough to blow up those base."

"But we do have the LT!" Echo exclaimed as I raised an eyebrow. "Um.. what's LT?"

"Liquid Tibanna. We use it to heat the base since this moon freezes every 6 months." Fives explained as I nodded. "And from what I remember, Liquid Tibanna is very explosive." Commander Cody replied as I gasped.

"We could use the explosives to trigger the Liquid Tibanna! It could blow this entire post to the ground!" I realized as Rex nodded to me. "Good thinking, Blondie. Alright, men! Round up the LT and bring in the explosives!"

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