Looking at her reflection in the mirror Jennie fixed her dress, pulling it a bit so she would make it shorter, it was her first time going out in a whole week after being buried deep in her job, patients coming in and out her apartment all the time that she had no time to actually go out and party, having been invited to one of her friend's birthday party. "You look hot girl" She said to herself and winked at her reflection, grabbing her things and checking the time on her phone, 12 o'clock sharp, her favorite time of the day. Taking her keys in her hand she walked out the door and locked the apartment, the sound that her heels left by touching the marble floors echoing throughout the whole apartment complex.

She was so glad she lived near the heart of Itaweon, it was so much easier to go around and meet all kinds of people that she loved to play with, people that she could use her power on increasing her confidence one person at a time. Hungry bastards, Jennie thought as she made her way down the street, a group of men whistling behind her, her eyes straight forward not even turning to look at them. Itaweon was full of people once again, strangers passing by one another completely unaware of what their fate could be holding for them. Smirking at the woman behind the bar, Jennie pushed the door of the club and felt her ears ringing immediately, the loud music making the walls shake alongside the floor, Jennie walking over at the familiar face in front of her.

"And the devil herself is back," The woman commented as soon as Jennie sat on the stool that she always claimed as hers, her elbows on the counter, smiling at the barwoman that already knew her order since this place was the #1 spot for her. "I didn't see you for a week," The woman commented and left the drink right in front of Jennie, between her two elbows that were touching the cold counter. "I thought you dropped this lifestyle" She winked and quickly heard Jennie laughing out loud, her hand taking the cold glass and bringing it to her lips, sipping the alcoholic drink and feeling it burn her throat. "I've just been busy," Jennie sighed and looked around, checking the people, the faces that were in the same space as her before turning back to the woman.

"There she goes again, hunting for her prey" The blonde said and winked at Jennie who wanted to finish her drink first before walking to the group of people that were gathered a few tables away. "Not necessarily, I'm looking at my friend who I came to wish happy birthday to," The woman said and quickly spotted Chaeyoung who was talking to a few other people, friends of hers that Jennie didn't know and didn't care about befriending. "But you never know" the woman said and grabbed her things, waving at the bar woman before making her way right next to Chaeyoung who started jumping up and down, she hadn't seen Jennie for the longest time and of course she had no idea she would pay her a visit. "Oh my God it's been so long!" Chaeyoung gasped and pulled Jennie into a tight embrace, Jennie standing completely still. "What brings you here?" Chaeyoung asked and took a better look at Jane, aka Jennie but the difference was that those two names...They hid a different side of the woman's self behind them.

"I saw you from across the club and I remembered it's your birthday" Jennie said and smiled politely, looking around and checking everyone at the table but finding nothing that excited her at all. As bad as it sounded she wouldn't mind checking out her friend's friends, it had been so long since her last adventure and she was ready for some hunting indeed. Let the games begin, she said when she saw a pair walk up to the table, Chaeyoung walking up to them while Jennie analyzed the tall brown haired woman. Finally.

"Lisa! Jisoo!" Chaeyoung yelled excitedly and ran up to her two best friends, pulling them into a tight embrace and holding them close to her own slim body while the music kept on blasting. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" both of them yelled just so their voices could be heard by their friend, Chaeyoung laughed and started jumping up and down, taking them by the hand and guiding them to the table she had rented. And everyone was there, Irene, Tae, Andrew and... someone she had never seen before, a woman in a tight black dress, her shoulders exposed her long black hair falling on them. Noticing that the woman was on her phone Lisa didn't refer to her at all, she didn't know her after all. "You're so old now, join the club sis" Jisoo laughed and took off her jacket, Lisa laughing at how childish her friends could act sometimes. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" Jisoo said and pointed at the woman sitting right across from Lisa, the black haired woman looking up, her cat eyes piercing through Lisa's as they looked up.

"Oh right!" Chaeyoung laughed and she moved so she would be right next to the unknown black haired woman, a smile on her face while the woman kept staring at Lisa. "This is my friend from college!" Chaeyoung yelled once again as soon as the music got loud once again, Jisoo leaning closer to hear her better while Lisa stayed frozen, snapping out of it and looking down at her already poured drink. "You know, the one I dropped out from!" Chaeyoung laughed, her comment cayusing everyone to laugh, well most of them at least, the girl nudging her friend who finally smiled and looked at Jisoo. "I'm Jane, nice to meet you" The woman said and reached out, Jisoo introducing herself and then turning to Lisa who was still looking down. "Lisa, don't be so cold, introduce yourself" Jisoo let her elbow hit Lisa's side making her look up immediately.

Oh no.

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