"911 what's your emergency?" I heard from the end of the phone.

"S-something just attacked me and a friend in the DVD rental st... AAHH!" I screamed as the Alpha jumped out the window, right past Lydia in her car.

"Ma'am are you okay?" A panicked voice said over the phone.

"Yeah i-it j-just jumped o-o-out of the w-window" I said sobbing "Please, my f-friend is hurt the shelves f-fell on him, a-and there's a guy, I-I think he might b-be d-dead." I said trying to calm myself down.

"Okay ma'am the medics and some policemen are on their way to you."

"Thank you." I said as the phone hung up, and I shakily went over to Lydia's car. "Lydia? Are you okay?" I asked looking worriedly through her driver's side window, but she just stared back at me.

Soon the ambulance arrived and I directed them to where Jackson and the other man was. Then they brought me and Lydia to the back of the vehicle and checked us both over. Soon a familiar cop car showed up and I saw a familiar face I really wanted to see. 

Stiles got out the car with a worried expression on his face, stalking up to me and I jumped down from the ambulance, ignoring the paramedics around me asking me to stay there, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, slightly shaking. That was when I felt truly safe to just break down.

I sobbed in to his chest and he just held me tighter, stroking my hair until I calmed down, pulling away from him slightly, to wipe my eyes, hearing Jackson start shouting at Noah.

"What part of "I'm fine" are you having a problem grasping?" He spat.

"Jackson don't." I said venomously, but he ignored me, carrying on his rant.

"I wanna go home!" 

"And I understand." Noah says calmly.

"No you don't! Which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent a cop like you! Okay now I wanna go home!" Jackson almost screams, making me tense in anger, clenching my jaw to keep myself from slapping his arrogant face.

"Whoa is that a dead body!?" Stiles shouts getting on his tiptoes to see. I remember the man's blank stare and cringe turning myself back in to Stiles' chest making him realise what he just said was not appropriate, that and the look his father gave him.

"Sorry." He whispers to me, wrapping his arms around me once more.

"Alright everybody back up, back up." Noah said pushing the press and the bystanders back from the scene. "Stiles, drive Isabelle home, I'll pick you up when I'm finished here okay? I'll get someone to call your mom, take car okay?" Noah said rubbing my arm and smiling at me, and Stiles took my hand and directed me over to my car, opening the passenger side for me and getting in to the drivers side and started the car up.

I was staring out the window as we pulled in to my driveway, when a stray tear made it's way down my face before being wiped away by Stiles' thumb as he stared at me worriedly.

"Come on then Belle, let's get you inside." He said, walking round the car and pulling me out the seat, and dragging me to the front door which my mum opened straight away, knowing we were here.

"Oh honey." She said and gave me a hug, but I was all cried out so I just took in the warmth before wandering in to the house. "Let's make you too some hot chocolate ey? Like when you used to have sleepovers here when you were little." My mum said a reminiscent smile on her face.

"That sounds great, thanks Rebecca." Stiles said smiling wholly at her before leading me to the lounge where he sat me down and found an old box set of FRIENDS, putting in a disk and pressing play, pulling me in to his side.

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