Finally Meeting You

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Well great it's 7 am and I've been staring at my ceiling for the last hour trying to figure out of this Julie is the one I literally ran into. I have my tv on but I can't focus on it I'm too busy trying to remember anything from that event but it's hard with my head hurting. Come to think of it the girl I ran into did seem pretty athletic and I know Mal has mentioned before one of her teammates working super hard for a call up and someone working hard for a call up would be awake that early training. Come on think think....what was she wearing? Joggers and a muscle tee but the joggers they had a logo I vaguely remember holy shit I think it was the Washington Spirit logo. I mean come on you idiot connect the dots, she was definitely training for something, she was wearing black joggers with a logo and a red muscle shirt now that I think of it similar to Mals and I swear when we collided she said I'll call you back Kels maybe as in Kelley. Damn I was so caught up in how beautiful she was I didn't connect any dots.

No wait stop I didn't just say she was beautiful. Dating with my job is hard I know this and I can't put someone in danger like that I feel awful enough putting Mal and Lindsey in danger. Plus the lies I would have to constantly lie to her. Wait I'm wayyyy too far ahead of myself I don't even know if she's gay or if she would even like me. However her body language did seem to be at least slightly intrigued by me but then again I was a random stranger she ran into with a gun shoot wound bleeding so I imagine that would be intriguing that early in the morning.

Luckily I'm snapped out of my downward spiral of thoughts at 9 am when Nico my pug starts scratching at my door. I let Mal sleep with him last night thinking maybe it would cheer her up but I think he's probably hungry now and I can't take him outside in my condition I'll have to wake up Mal for that but honestly she's probably already awake.

I get out of bed and grab my crutches then head towards the door. Before opening the door I take a deep breath the relax myself because I quickly realized that Julie could be right outside this door. I open the door and see Nico sitting down waiting for me to pet him. He lets out a playful bark and then I hear Mal yell to me from the kitchen that she's making breakfast and to be semi quiet since Julie is sleeping on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and make Nico his food while sneaking a look at the girl sleeping and sure enough it's the same girl. I ask Mal to take Nico outside and decide when she comes back I'll finally tell her the story of how I ran into her friend.

I decide to grab a water out of the fridge but me trying to do too much with really no hands to use and no balance with my leg I end up dropping the water bottle which of course prompted Julie to wake up. Julie rolls over and looks at me confused and right when she was about to say something luckily Mal walked in and Nico went and attacked our house guest.

I sit down at the table to eat then Mal speaks up "Oh right I should introduce you guys. Julie this is my infamous best friend Ashley that you always hear about and always ask when you'll get to meet her and Ashley this is Julie my teammate I've talked about how she's super close with me and Rose and how she finally got the call up she deserved." Huh Julie asks about me a lot so maybe she's heard stories and is interested. I'm quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Julie speaks and my god I forgot how perfect her voice was, it's a tad bit raspy but just right it's so hot. "Wow Ashley it's nice to finally meet you, but I must say I think we've actually maybe met before?" I sigh realizing that Julie has in fact remembered our collision and Mal is going to be pissed I never mentioned it. "Oh um yeah you're Julie the girl I accidentally plowed when I was running. Once again I'm really sorry about that." Mal gives me the look of we're talking about this later. "Well it seems like every time I see you you seem to have an injury. I remember last time your arm had some wound open and now you're on crutches with a bleeding thigh by the way it bled through the wrap, a stitched up head, a very swollen hand, and you're wearing sunglasses inside I assume also a concussion I mean ones gotta ask how the hell does a traveling business person get this beat up?" I keep my calm because I was totally expecting a question like this. "Well Julie that's a great question. It was a hunting accident, my friend misfired and shot me in the back of the leg my instant reaction was to punch him in the face out of anger and then I passed out from pain and hit my head causing the cut and a concussion." She seems content with my answer and I let out a sigh in my head but boy is it a good thing I'm an excellent liar with my job.

"So then with this hunting accident are they giving you time off work? Or working from home? I know Mal said you'll need crutches for about a week and a half then some therapy and you should be back to normal since you were already in shape." I'm thrown off by the question but I have an answer. "Well while I'm unable to go into work I'll be doing some office work from home every now and then but they're giving me some time off with my injuries. Seeing as it's closer to the end of April I'll be good to return to work near the end of May however I am going to cheer you guys on at the World Cup but I did find out earlier I'll have to do some work while I'm there but I'll still be at all the games." Mal immediately got a worried look when I mentioned that I would be working while in France I know I'll also have to talk about that later.

After the three of us just chilling for a while and watching tv Julie says she's going for a run but she'll be back. She's going to be staying with us the next couple weeks just so Mal has some help with me and let's hope I don't fall for the girl while she's helping me. "So Mal I'm sure you have lots of questions so I'll just answer before you can ask them. Yes I ran into Julie before on a run the day after I got back from my mission where I got grazed by a bullet it was nothing extreme I just plowed her over and was afraid of catching feelings if I talked to her so I ran off. Now in relation to the whole working while in France thing someone on the most wanted list Luis Jansen we found out his niece is a reserve player for the Netherlands team and seeing as I'll already be in France FBI decided they'll also send Torres and we'll work with our FBI headquarter stationed there. I doubt anything major will happen and I'll be fine. I already contacted Jill and we figured out that we would use the excuse of I need to be around the team because I need you since I'm going through some things and Torres will be my "physical therapist" the team will just think I'm still going through rehab. So Mal did I answer all your questions?"

She thinks about it for a little bit before answering "Yes you did....but I have some stuff to tell you that you might like. I heard about you from Julie she talked all about this mysterious girl she ran into and how cute she was. So tell me Ash you think maybe it's finally time to try dating again?"

Before I can answer Julie comes back from her run. Thank god I was saved from that conversation.

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