Chapter 5

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"Apologize! I have a poisonous barb and I'm not afraid to use it!" The hybrid growled, flicking his tail threateningly.

He's protecting me! I wish I were so brave like that. Perphaps mother and father wouldn't leave me alone at home if I were strong and brave... Sunset thought, shaking off the mud, Arrow looks dangerous though... Sunset ran to the hybrid, "It's fine! I'm okay! Let them go!" He blurted, although his new injuries stinged as he moved.

The hybrid stared at Sunset with confused black eyes before sighing. "Fine, now go away hothead! You too, IceWing!" He growled.

Arrow snarled at Sunset. "You may have survived this time, but next time you won't be so sure!" Arrow growled, opening his wings then twisted his head to the IceWing, "Come on!" The IceWing looked at Sunset and the hybrid with sorry eyes before flying after Arrow.

The hybrid snorted before walking off. Sunset followed him. "Uh, hey. Thanks for saving me!" He said cheerfully, wincing a bit as his bleeding continued.

"It was nothing," The hybrid grumbled. Sunset caught a black tattoo of the head of some kind or desert dog on the hybrid's chest. Sunset gulped, the dragon didn't seem too socialable.

"W- W- What are you, are you a hybrid like me? I- I- I'm Sunset! What's your name?" He chirped, hoping for the hybrid to accept him. Please. I have no one. Don't leave me alone!

"I'm half NightWing, half SandWing," The hybrid growled, heading off to food stalls, "What do you want? Where's your family?" Sunset gasped at the mention of NightWing. The NightWing he had wanted to meet so badly was this dragon. The dragon bought a talon full of small fish. Out of a large backpack, the hybrid brought out a long stick, where he stabbed the fish thought.

"I- I- don't know. A MudWing came to my hut back in the desert, and now I can't go home. My father had mentioned Possibility a couple of times, so I came here following a green and a blue dragon," Sunset admitted, having decided to trust this dragon entirely.

The dragon exhaled fire to the stick, cooking up the fish. "Oh. Well, you can look for him," He snorted, uninterested in Sunset.

I'm not letting you leave me too! Sunset thought. "Please don't leave me alone! I don't know anyone here!" Sunset plead.

The dragon glared at Sunset. "Fine! Let's go to my den, its getting late. And only for this night!" He growled, before sighing.

Sunset smiled. "Thank you! I promise I'll be good! Thank you so much- uh..." He realized he still didn't know the hybrid's name.

"Anubis," He mumbled, "Now let's hurry before I regret it." Anubis lead Sunset after a road of huts and small stores. Sunset took out the portrait of his father from his bag, which he had saved from the hut. None of the few SkyWings here looked a tiny bit like Ibis.

Anubis took a sharp turn left, stopping in front of a small brown hut on the bottom of a hill. He chewed while taking out a silver key from his backpack, putting it in the keyhold before turning and opening the door fiercely. Sunset watched each movement the Night-SandWing made as they entered the hut. Sunset was amazed by the amount of jewelry that hung on the left wall, including a cart full of it rested.

Anubis didn't carry any jewelry, he glared at Sunset's neck. "Is that seriously your fashion?" He retorted, his eyes leading to Sunset's ruby necklace.

"Well..." Sunset mumbled, he didn't quite think of what he liked when he had bought it. Anubis flicked his tongue before ripping the chain off Sunset's neck. "Hey!" Sunset yelped, it had hurt him a bit.

Anubis shook his head, scratching the chain. "How much did you pay for this! This silver chain is fake! Once the paint fades it you might have an allergic reaction to it. Didn't you know that? The ruby... well it's real, fortunately," Anubis mumbled, walking to his jewelry wall and inspecting different necklaces. Sunset watched, amazed and a bit concerned.

"Why do you have so much jewelry?" Sunset asked.

Anubis let a small smile. "Call me the jewelry king. I buy jewels, orbs, and ores then sell them as necklaces, armbands, bracelets! You name it!" Anubis seemed excited and less grumpy as he talked about jewelry. Sunset thought it was weird, but at least Anubis opened up to him.

"Here, this one fits you better," Anubis grumbled as he stomped over to put on a thin golden chain with marbles of red and gold swirls and a ruby dragon hanging from the end, on Sunset's neck.

"Wow thanks!" Sunset said.

"It's nothing," Anubis mumbled, "You don't have to pay me, I'll take this ruby."

Sunset tilted his head. "How did you learn to make these things?" He asked, admiring the ruby dragon, it reminded him of his father. Anubis looked down at his talons before shaking his head. Sunset sighed, he was hungry, after not being able to eat all day.

Anubis let a yawn. "Here, let me fetch you some pillows," He mumbled, before entering another room. Sunset followed him, noticed a nice black bed with wooden shelves on the side full of scrolls. A black desk rested against the left wall, plenty of inksacks were empty, and a stack of scrolls laid on the other side.

"Oh! Are you a writer!" Sunset asked.

Anubis flinched. "Of course not! I- um... Don't read those!" He said, grabbing two pillows and shoving Sunset out of the bedroom.

Ack! Harsh! Sunset thought as he almost tripped over his own tail. "Thank you again! Really!" He said instead.

"Whatever. You better not be snoring! Go to sleep," Anubis ordered. Sunset watched as the merchant stormed into his bed room, gone from Sunset's sight.

Sunset sighed, at least he was more comfortable than on wet grass and withstanding cold winds.

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