A Leader

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Chapter 3

The 3 students entered the forest, looking for the items on the list. They got the low point items first since they assumed it would be the easiest to find.

"Everyone just keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks like what we're looking for." Lily said as she used her fingers to open her eyes wide open.

"Maybe there's stuff in that cave." Amber pointed at the cave.

"Let's find out!" Rui went ahead.

"Wait wait wait, what if theres a Rokaka in there?" Lily asked.

"Shouldnt be too hard, we're stronger than before."

"True but we dont know how strong the Rokaka is."

Amber patted Lily on the head.

"Usually I'm the cautious one, what's gotten into you Lily?"

'Nothing! Fine, let's go in then!" Lily marched inside the cave.

Rui and Amber looked at eachother and laughed.

"Awww is Lily worried about Kairo?" Rui teased.

Lily blushed a bit.

"That's not the case! I just wanted to be cautious like Amber for once. Hmph!" Lily pouted.

"We can protect you too, you know. Kairo may be strong but we can hold our own aswell."

Amber agreed.

"I can protect myself."

Lily started doubting herself. She realized that Rui and Amber are way more confident than they use to be. She was always the confident one, always charging head first in danger because she believed she was strong enough to beat anything.

Today was the first time she felt uneasy about charging head on.

Was she falling behind? Those were the thoughts going through her mind. She smacked her cheeks really hard to snap out of it.

Rui and Amber looked at her confused.

"I'm okay now. Thank you!" Lily smiled.

The two still looked at her confused not understanding what they did. Though they were happy seeing Lily back to her usual bubbly self.

They went around the cave searching for items and near the end of the cave  they saw glowing blue things. They looked closer and saw they were some type of fruit.

"They look like the berries, they're like glow in the dark blue berries." Rui said.

"They're so pretty." Lily said in awe.

"Alright let's collect them and continue moving on."

They collected the berries and headed on out the cave. As time went on they found more and more stuff through out the forest. 40 minutes has past since the exercise started.

"There are a lot of beautiful things in this forest, it was surprising." Lily said.

"Magic can make anything look pretty! Let's see what we have so far."

They looked inside their basket and counted what they collected so far.

A Dozen Berries
5 Ocarina Fruits
A Dozen Big Leaves
2 Enda Stones

"All that's left is a Troco feather, Sen Zubeans and a Rokaka." Amber said.

"A Troco feather should be in a nest or maybe on a specific bird. Maybe if we climb the trees we could find some." Rui suggested.

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