Best Friends

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Chapter 7

It's been 2 weeks since Kairo shared his past. Rui has been thinking about his sister and things he should have done when she was alive. He regrets so much but hes feeling better now.

Obviously it's a hard pill to swallow again but he doesnt want overthink again as much as he did the first time. The first time Rui heard the news about his sisters death it broke him.

He was thrown in a state of depression for months. That's when Menma helped him out and made him focus his goal to become number 1, for his sister's sake.

Its now a sunny monday morning and class is about to begin.

"Alright today we will be doing something different, hopefully you guys were able to get the hang of Fi. You all now should be moving on to Chi." Mr Shiro states.

"Yes! Chi, I've already mastered that, hehe." Lily gloated.

"H-How did you master it in such a short amount of time." Rui and Amber were surprised.

"I learned it a couple months ago after I had that steamy dream of Kairo and I ki-" Lily stopped herself.

The two looked at her confused.

"I've said to much." Lily mumbled embarrassed. "HEY RUI PAY ATTENTION TO THE TEACHER AND STOP BUGGING ME!" She yelled as she pulled Rui's ear.

"Ow ow ow owwww! Lily!!!"

The teacher went on to explaining what they were going to do today. Since it's the end of the semester they will be doing 1v1 today. The matchups would be like this:

John vs Ty

Amber vs Lily

Yuki vs Mono

Samuel vs Julio

Zahn vs Coal

Shinkai vs Rui

Kairo vs Adams

Katie vs Morgie

The rules were the same. Win by knock out or technical knockout. Which meant if the person gave up or unable to move, then you would win.

The first fight was quite anticlimactic.

John had Glass magic and was pretty weak overall, but he was good at running away.

Ty had metal magic and was very aggressive. He was reckless and just would charge into battle.

The fight began and Ty didnt hesitate to attack John. John ran away but when he saw an opening he used binding glass magic.

The attack was successful and Ty couldn't move. John would have won if he wasn't so careless. He stepped in a binding trap Ty put and he also got caught.

Both player were unable to move and it was left for a tie for now.

The next fight begun.

Lily had explosion magic and her defence was pretty high. She had a lot of destructive power but shes not a quick thinker and cant adapt to situations as well.

Amber had nature magic and normally the outcome would have been obvious. But Amber is very precise and plans ahead. She's also good at adapting in difficult situations. The only problem is her attacks aren't that strong and she needs a lot of encouragement.

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